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(2007-05-24 20:51:03) 下一個

城中出現了一道命題作文“我欣賞的男人”,忍不住也來玩玩, also per my friend Helen’s request.







Remember as a woman, one is supposed to stand side by side with the man, to support the man. That is the task assigned by the super nature. 寬容是溫柔的內涵之一。這種寬容是有原則的,不是把自己當成受虐狂。溫柔不是發嗲,也不全是小鳥依人。溫柔是一種外柔內剛。不能總要求男人在生活中扮演父兄的角色,哄著寵著女人,有時候要反過來。人嘛,總希望被關注,被寵愛,被體貼,in terms of these, men are little different from women, personal opinion.


內外兼修:女人不是花瓶,well-rounded 的女人比單純的漂亮女人更有魅力和生命力。女人的美應該不隻在於她的臉旦和外表,更主要的在於她的頭腦和精神。As a woman, one doesn't need to be pretty but neat and decent.






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閱讀 ()評論 (24)
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複BWW的評論:

Thanks for dropping lines. I know that you are clear about the answer but try to tease a bit.

Yes, women do love handsome men though everybody had her own criteria. As men prefer charming girls over pretty ones, women are more interested in genteel guys than those physical attractive ones. I do not think a narrow-minded, arrogant or self-abased man has any chance to be popular even if he is physically attractive. On the other hand, the inside culture will be manifested by ourside temperament, which will last longer. So to both men and women, there is no shortcut to be charming but self-training physically and spiritually.

My two cents for talking.
BWW 回複 悄悄話 為什麽不把英俊, 偉岸, 瀟灑放在裏麵? 您是故意忘了, 還是覺得不言而喻?

俺覺得女人應該喜歡英俊的男人。 您要不同意, 我跟您急!!!
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複flysnow68的評論:

you are definitely one of those whom I admire.
flysnow68 回複 悄悄話 好樣的!我欣賞你的欣賞。。。~_~。。。
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複snake_sky的評論:

Thank you, I love it too, especailly the way she looked at.
snake_sky 回複 悄悄話 I like that painting so much! "girl with a pearl earring".
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複林貝卡的評論:

Thank you Rebecca.
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 寫得好。
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複yunyan的評論:

There is no right or wrong ansers. Different people have different idea about men and women. Those are only my personal oppinion, somehow unrealistic. Yes, you are right about matching. Only people who match each other spititually are happy and comfortable with each other.

Thanks for supporting.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複Flamenco_Girl的評論:

I agree with you. I do not care much about his/her physical appearance though he/she should be neat and decent. What I care is his/her temperament which has to be cultivated little by little.
yunyan 回複 悄悄話 男人和女人都有優缺點,相互欣賞才是最重要的,相互欣賞也要相互匹配。標準不重要, 對嗎?說錯了請海涵
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 I've been looking at this topic for a while, and ask myself, what's really 我欣賞的男人和女人.

melly 回複 悄悄話 回複fangyuanzhi的評論:

also difficult and ideal standard. hehe..
fangyuanzhi 回複 悄悄話 好標準。
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複wenjuyuan的評論:

I think one has to learn how to appreciate others, especialy in simple daily life.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複彩雲滿天飛的評論:

Thank you so very much. I take it as a compliment. What I wrote was based on several images in my mind.
wenjuyuan 回複 悄悄話 应该再加上一条∶你所欣赏的 这種“男人/女人”有慧眼並能欣赏你所欣赏的这種“女人/男人.”Unfortunately, life often is not fair for these mem and women in terms of the kinds of spouses they have (based on my limited observations).
彩雲滿天飛 回複 悄悄話 有品味~~~
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複漩鞘的評論:

Thank you 漩鞘 for support. People are happy to be with those who have the matching personalities, either compatible or similar.In addition, self-training to fit in each other also counts.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複blhw72的評論:

Doesn't the woman I described here sound familiar?

I really do not think those are unreachable traits. I also believe what we need is to sensitize our sensors to sense the excellent characters. We all are wonderful, aren't we?
漩鞘 回複 悄悄話 越琢磨越覺得你總結的非常好。
blhw72 回複 悄悄話 A+, happy with the credit?

Whoops, excuse me, just notice you said"per friend Helen's request", not "assignment". Guess I could never have the previlege to be a teacher's teacher. Sigh...;-)

I echo your thoughts. It's actually easy to appreciate other human beings once you see a shining spot on him/her. You know why, because we stand away to watch.

When getting closer, you might think differently. It's just like you are looking at a work of an art. Different angles bring you different views.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複sweetie遐思的評論:

Thank you for comments.

I thought I was daydreaming again. hehe...Now I am sure I am not alone. Just kidding.

These are guidelines to evaluate a man or a woman.People have differnet criteria, which also reflect what kind of person one wants to become. The most important thing is to take action. Am I right?
sweetie遐思 回複 悄悄話 讚同.
