  • 博客訪問:


(2007-04-30 14:28:56) 下一個





我對母親最佩服的是她always standing one step behind my father。在上大學以前,我認為我父親簡直就沒有任何缺點,是個完美無缺的男人。同學們議論“天下沒有不吵架的夫妻”的時候,我理直氣壯的說,我父母就從來不吵架。等我戀愛結婚以後,從女人的角度,我發現母親在她的婚姻中做出了犧牲和讓步,做到了寬容和體諒。論客觀條件,母親是優於父親的。但母親是個聰明而傳統的女人,懂得如何把自己適時適地的放在一個男人後麵, 把尊重父親和樹立父親在子女中的威信和形象放在第一位。這種婚姻觀念在當今社會也許早就落伍了,不為人道了,然而,這正是我們家幸福的原因之一。


母親雖然已經六十有餘,但心態還很年輕。母親喜歡唱歌,喜歡看書,喜歡思考, 喜歡聽父親講新聞(這又是母親寵父親的一個明例)。母親在很年輕的時候就失去了她自己的母親,我當時還小,不理解母親是怎樣的一個心理感受。現在我自己也有了孩子,父母親就像是我的一個天,天若是塌了,人還會好過嗎?有天在,人就會覺得心裏有支柱,有依托。







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melly 回複 悄悄話 回複flysnow68的評論:
Thanks for your comments.

Yes, it is not easy to be always standing one step behind in a marriage. I am not able to do it. However, I am trying. My mother is traditional yet I am not. besides, the society is developing. Anyway, everyone should find a way to benefit both sides in a marriage.
flysnow68 回複 悄悄話 你母親是個了不起的女人!要做到"always standing one step behind my father",不容易!佩服!


melly 回複 悄悄話 回複素月-2006-的評論:

yes, you are right. Mothers will be happy to hear it. However, they want to see us to be good mothers too.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複林貝卡的評論:

same to my parents.

my mom is strict while my Dad is kind. Everybidy in my family, old and young, love my father more, respect my father more. I really think it is partly because of my mother's stand-one-step-behind strategy. They are my role models forever.
素月-2006- 回複 悄悄話 希望你不僅在心裏,而且可以當麵對她說:媽媽,我愛您!天下的母親不都在等這句話嗎?
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 我們家裏是:嚴母慈父,歲月流失,思念依舊。
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複blhw72的評論:

Every mother is wonderful. Wanna be one of them? Let's do it!
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複lindows的評論:

Thanks for staying even sitting on a cold little stool.:-)
blhw72 回複 悄悄話 Melly, I am happy for you having such a wonderful mother.

I don't know what to say about my mom......will later do.
lindows 回複 悄悄話 小板凳,坐著聽.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複flamenco_girl的評論:

Thank you for being so supportive.

yes, parents are our lifelong good examples, especially in terms of marriage and family. I am lucky that my parents are always supportive and open-minded. To be honest, sometimes I worry about how to return them. Until now they are still helping to take care of my son. I am barely a good daughter.

I think your parents must be very proud of you.
靜水蒼蘭 回複 悄悄話 拜讀了。很實在,卻很感人。

melly 回複 悄悄話 回複sweetie遐思的評論:

Thanks for your comments.

I hope I could do more for my parents. I wish I could be more like my Mom regarding of patience and tenacity although our personalities are quite similar.

I bet you are an understanding girl too. Look at your logo picture, so elegant and delicate. I skimmed your blog, will read more carefully later.

Thanks again and talk more.
sweetie遐思 回複 悄悄話 母親的智慧是LG和孩子們幸福的根基.為你有這樣的母親而祝福.你能寫下這些心情,想必是善解人意的女兒,感人.
flamenco_girl 回複 悄悄話 I believe that parents are role models for their children. I'm glad to know that you have great ones.

My parents too, they always support each other in front of us. Now, I think they may had a "one voice leadership" agreement ;-)