兒子的同學過生日,邀請他去,我到Amazon上去買禮物,兩盒積木。想想很久沒給兒子買玩具了,就順便轉了轉,積木兒子是不要了。說個笑話,上次聖誕節的時候,他一打開禮物,就說,怎麽Santa送的也是積木?!可見他玩積木有多膩了。教育類的玩具,現在除了各種的遊戲軟件之外,別的似乎很少了。想起了兒子愛觀察蟲子,愛做“試驗”,就看了看科學類的,發現有一種成為教孩子電路知識的,review挺不錯的。其實當我看見那玩具的時候,就想起來以前買的那Tamiya,早就想讓孩子接觸接觸機器人,電子什麽的。兩者可以說有些相同,都是孩子動手搭出一個電池驅動東西。不同的是,Tamiya是一個能動的機器狗兔,複雜,而且搭成了就一種玩法。這一個簡單,完全是電路,可卻不是那麽乏味,例如我給孩子買的那個Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100,可以搭出100種不同的電路,其中包括開關,電阻,能發聲的,能亮的,能飛的。

再過了幾天,回家時發現他們拿了一杯水在搗鼓,興奮地告訴我,哈,水也可以把他們接通。 :)

Average Customer Review
4.9 out of 5 stars (
136 customer reviews)
| 126 of 126 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars An excellent introduction to Electronics., April 30, 2003 By | Rohit Priyadarshi(Fremont, CA United States) - See all my reviews |
Durability:4.0 out of 5 stars Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars Educational:5.0 out of 5 stars The best point in favour of this product is that it is lego style toy that does not intimidate a child with intricate electronic components. My 6-1/2 year old daughter started playing with it and was very excited to have completed her first project to light a bulb with a switch. Theories of electricity followed naturally when initially the bulb did not lightup. I showed her the shiny metal strip beneath the connectors and explained conductivity a little... |