(2007-12-13 21:40:37)
人家都說TERRIBLE TWO,我倒覺得小男孩三歲比兩歲時更難纏。
三歲的兒子馳馳最近新添的毛病是Whining。我不知道怎麽翻譯Whining或者 Whine這個詞,英漢字典解釋是:1發出高而尖的哭聲和叫聲,2牢騷,3哀求。後兩種解釋用於成年人還是蠻貼切的。第一個解釋可用於兒童,但感覺不準確。倒覺得whine和撒嬌有點近似,更準確地說是‘托著哭腔說話或要求’。我覺得英文還是詞匯非常豐富的語言,一個詞便可涵蓋一種現象了,既簡單又傳神。
怎麽對付孩子的Whining,我還在摸索之中,在此與大家分享經驗。教育專家說要注意孩子whining的真正原因。比如馳馳的原因是因為他才去了daycare一兩個月,以及最近祖父母的回國。他在whining的時候,我盡量耐心,給他緩和的餘地,比如回應他,好,玩5分鍾以後要吃飯了,這可是最後一塊糖了,在看5分鍾電視,媽媽給你講個故事再睡覺等等。可如果whining的越來越多了或者緩和招無效了,我隻好改變對付他whining的策略,對他要tough起來,讓他Stop Whining。對於不礙大事的頭疼腳疼屁股疼的whining,就表情輕鬆但語氣肯定地保證他一會就會好的,如果他接著whining,我就不理了,任他鬧之。一般他鬧一陣無趣了,也就做罷了。對不合理的要求,開始直截了當地說NO,然而後果往往是激惹他大哭大鬧。這時候我隻好鍛煉自己的神經,堅持不理他,任他哭。這個方法雖然殘酷,但也有效,至少有一段時間能讓他不再為一件事whining. 還有以下我在網上查詢到的tips:
> 不要馬上回應。
> 要求孩子用正常的語氣說話。
> 回答的語氣要冷靜和堅決,用簡單明確的語言,不羅嗦。
> 如果孩子聽從了,要表揚。
> 如果當時沒有聽從,事後要和孩子講道理。注意是事後。
1. "I try to ignore whining, then I try to explain why (my son) shouldn't whine, then I cajole, threaten, and finally ... I WHINE!!!"
2. "My best advice: Let your 'no' mean no and your 'yes' mean yes. Giving in to whining just perpetuates the habit."
3. "If my children whine, I make it clear that I did not understand what they have said (even if I have). They (soon) realize that they must speak in an acceptable way, i.e. moderate tone, (proper) enunciation. ... When they speak in an appropriate way, they are acknowledged and addressed. When they whine, they are misunderstood and unanswered."
4. "By whining, our children learn that we will then pay attention to them. ... It's not their tone of voice that we should be reinforcing. We really can avoid the problem with better listening skills and (hopefully they will no longer feel the need to indulge the) nasty whining habit."
5. "My house is full of kids with a sense of humor. ... If they whine, I whine right back. "But, Mooooom...," they drag on. "But, daaarlings...," I yodel. Usually they are sick of me first. Victory!"