
Loved, betrayed, turned on, turned off, ... can't help wondering the road ahead. But surely, there will be a shining star.

心靈雞湯 -- 怎樣移動富士山 | 點評 (8)

(2009-02-22 10:26:01) 下一個

某家報社舉辦這樣一次有獎智力競賽,如果羅浮宮不幸失火,你隻有時間救出一幅畫,你會選擇救哪幅?答案最多的是《蒙娜麗莎》,但是得獎的答案卻是 -- 救那幅離出口最近的。

We must do the best we can with what we have.
-- Edward Rowland Sill

[CD note]: Too many times, we picture ourselves as super heroes, forgetting what we are capable of or what we have. In reality (forget about what action movies tell you), being pragmatic is the right mentality to drive realistic solutions. This does NOT mean we stop training ourselves to become better. For the ones who are as fast and strong as superman or spiderman, certainly the right answer awarded by the newspaper is wrong.

Be a hero, your own hero. Not someone who commits a courageous action without considering the consequences, but the one who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Click here to read more.

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