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筆名: carpe_diem
個人描述: 真誠樂觀,永不言棄。
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Marriage, more than a formality of love, is based on love but really a test of true love. I only live once, and so do you.  The most pathetic thing I can think of is lying on the death bed regretting never had a chance to taste true love. Yet, two have to work together to nurture and grow the true love.

The great nature, the splendid human creations, and the people who create amazing cultures make me more thirsty for traveling when I travel more. And music gives me more than peace of mind -- imagine a cozy cabin far away from city, in a tranquil Fall evening or a heavy snowy night, you relax in a strong arm, sharing with him a moment surrounded by Cavatina...

Not just a romantic moment, what I aspire for is a harmonious family where I can love and be loved. No matter after sunshine or storm, an intimate chat or a heated argument, I hope to hold your hands for a walk or "get lost".

I'm not rich (yet), but I believe a rich life need love more than money. Creating wealth is a journey of give and take, which becomes exhilarating and unstoppable when two share the same goal and mentality.

A good listener, I enjoy interacting with good listeners. Life is much more enjoyable when two can put themselves in each other's shoes. Instead of blaming the others, I look into myself first if anything goes wrong - that's how mature individuals stand out from the immature.

You are a decent woman who truly understands marriage and love, who knows exactly what you want out of  your life, and who has a strong (not stubborn) mind to follow what you believe in.
-amoko- -farmersc-
amoko farmersc
-greenlove- -≠paleink-
greenlove ≠paleink
carpe_diem的留言薄 (最近5條留言)
-林貝卡- 留言於:2009-02-21 21:57:18
-huaimin- 留言於:2007-03-29 16:29:57
您好!我深圳也有博客,得空歡迎光臨: 深圳“懷民夢園”網址如下: 希不吝指教。謝謝
-紙片兒- 留言於:2006-11-27 23:48:24
thank you for sharing, acturally i visited ur blog several days ago and read your profile, I was surprised to find that you too like the song TRY TO REMEMBER,and u watched and liked the move THE NOTEBOOK.I was thinking" how weird" Then I read the message that you left for me and glad to know that you had visited my blog too, anyway, thank you for sharing :) keep warm and take good care!
-magnoliamagnoliamagnolia- 留言於:2006-09-03 01:43:42
Enough said. How many of us can actually find love that is balanced? Meaning: you love him just as much as he loves you back?? Shakespeare was an expert writing about love, ALL KINDS of love: love of brothhood, love of parent and children; love between two young persons who equally love each other, triagle loves.... I think among all these kinds of love,Shakespeare did the best in depicting unrequinted love - love that is not returned. Shakespear never had the mercy by giving this kind of love a happy ending. Call him a snob, he will not make Andrew Aguecheek a happy husband of Olivia's (Twelve Night), because she does not love him back. She loves someone else, Prince Orsino. Hence, Shakespear must make Orsino olivia's husband in the end. Among all these kinds of loves, nothing is more painful than loving someone who does not love you back. I believe we all have experienced that. Finding so called "true love" is the process of finding that person who loves us just as much as we love them; As to marriage, it is a formality, true. But undeniably, it is the highest form of commitment between two persons (usually) in love. It is a official announcement between the two of them also towards the rest of the world: from now on, I am taken! I will NOT be available to other people who are interested in me, who are flirting with me! I view marriage is a tool to discipline two persons who are committed to each other. Therefore, if you believe in true love, marriage comes naturally to most people.
-檸檬草- 留言於:2006-07-30 01:26:24
A hi from Vancouver girl. Take care!
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