
Loved, betrayed, turned on, turned off, ... can't help wondering the road ahead. But surely, there will be a shining star.

心靈雞湯 -- 怎樣移動富士山 | 點評 (6)

(2009-02-16 12:32:27) 下一個



自己想獲得什麽, 那麽在得到它之前必須知道先要舍棄什麽。
One-half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it.
-- Sidney Howard

[CD note]: Very often, what you have to give up is something you enjoy, something you wanted badly, or even something in your belief. The give-up might even hurt someone you care about. But that's the cost, and it's something you have to sacrifice. Think ahead clearly and thoroughly before you're committed to anything, or you will have to make a tougher decision half way there, which could easily crush you.

Sometimes, it's a self-enlightened abandoning, just like a butterfly flying out of its cocoon, or it could be a trade with devil. Be careful.

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