
Loved, betrayed, turned on, turned off, ... can't help wondering the road ahead. But surely, there will be a shining star.

發現自我、找到真愛的第四個問題 (The final question ... ) (圖)

(2006-12-07 21:21:24) 下一個

Here is the final question of your purpose finder. Yep, it's the hardest one as well. But you'll feel a great relief and thrill when you find the answer.

4. What Was I Born To Do?

Additional Clues:

What is my unique mission in life?
What can I do that will make a difference?
What specifically does God want me to do?
What can I contribute?
What is my niche?
What unique opportunities have been placed in my path?

* When you are finished, rank each item in order of importance assuming you have only five years to live.

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