
小東西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小東西之二: Evan, 11 years old
  • 博客訪問:

'Let Me Tell You a Strategy' the 9-Year Old Told the 18-Year Old

(2012-04-10 18:38:05) 下一個

Daddy got Evan into liking chess a couple of years ago and it didn't take too long for him to start beating Daddy occasionally. After beating Evan last time I don't know how long ago, Daddy refused to play with him anymore. He teased Evan that this way he could always claim: "I beat Evan the last time I played with him." Ha-ha…Evan is not crazy about chess that he would recite the chess manual, but he enjoys the chess club and tournaments and is now rated number one in the chess club of his school.

Patricia, the high school student from Japan we hosted two weeks ago, has not played chess that much before but she is interested in playing. And she doesn't care about loosing to a boy half of her age as "I have learned that I can learn from my mistakes so I am not afraid of losing."

It is pretty cute to see them playing against each other, one is still like a kid and the other is so much mature like an adult. They all had their hands on their chins while they were thinking.  They played a number of games and Evan won them all. What's funny was that during one of the games, after Patricia made a move which obviously was not the move Evan would make, to make the game more competitive, the nine-year old boy told the eighteen-year girl: "Let me tell you a strategy."  He then showed her how she should make the move. It was very cute when I heard him saying that. This is the first time I heard him using the word "strategy"J. Now think about it, he probably uses this word a lot at the chess club.

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