
小東西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小東西之二: Evan, 11 years old
  • 博客訪問:

\'I Don\'t Want to Grow Up!\'

(2009-08-22 08:25:31) 下一個

As I said before, Olivia and Evan are both picky eaters when it comes to vegetables or fruits. I tried strawberry before but they didn't like it at the time. However I was very glad to find out recently that they both got hooked up to it when they played with their little friends in our neighbor's house a couple of times. Now Evan even claims that strawberry is his favorite fruit.

Last Saturday after dinner, I prepared some strawberries for the kids to eat and then came upstairs. A couple of minutes later, Evan came upstairs to me. He appeared upset as he had tears in his eyes. He announced to me with a crying tone: "I will never eat strawberry again! It makes my teeth hurt!"

"Makes your teeth hurt? What do you mean? Is there something wrong with your teeth?" I was puzzled.

"It makes my teeth wiggle!" he explained.

Wiggle? Wow! Is he about to change his first tooth? I asked him to open his mouth and show me the tooth that bothered him and yes, it was very loose! I guess it has wiggled for a while and didn't hurt him until he ate the strawberry that day.

"Yeah! Daddy and Olivia, come here! The tooth fairy is going to visit Evan soon!" I happily announced the good news and then explained to him: "Evan, I know your teeth hurts but that's normal. You are about to lose this baby tooth and have a grown up one soon! This means Evan are growing up! From now on, Mommy will make some soft food or make them in small pieces so that they won't hurt you, okay? "

Daddy and Olivia then came to the room and they were all happy for him too. Daddy said to him: "Yeah, Evan, congratulations! You are growing up!"

Obviously Evan was not as happy as we were hearing this news. It actually got him very upset seeing us "cheering up and down about his pain" and he started to cry out loud.

"It hurts! I don't want to grow up!!!"

You are not alone buddy. To be honest, I don't want you to grow up either J.

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