
小東西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小東西之二: Evan, 11 years old
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Jealous of Mommy

(2009-04-19 11:34:36) 下一個

One day about 4-5 weeks ago, Olivia was limping around telling us that she sprained her ankle playing tennis with Jacobs next door. I checked her ankle and didn't see any sign of swelling so we just told her to rest her ankle and she did not have to go to karate class that week. Nevertheless she asked for and wore my ankle brace and even tried to use the crutches which to me was very dangerous, she would more likely get a sprained ankle by using those crutches.

About a week after that, I had a per the doctor "moderate to severe" sprain on my left ankle and tore two ligaments during a volleyball tournament and have been on crutches since. It is amazing how a sprained ankle can completely change one's life. I could not do anything, cook, clean, take care of kids, attend their activities…and became the 3rd child in the family who needed to be taken care of. I use my hands and move my bottom to get upstairs (dragging the crutches with me or have my husband or kids help me taking the crutches upstairs) and once I get settled on the bed with my foot lifted up on piles of pillows, I just don't feel like doing that all over again with crutches to go downstairs to get my water, food, etc and would ask Olivia and Evan to help me. They are very good helpers running upstairs downstairs to get what I need, Evan especially as Olivia has a lot of activities after school. And I have to say I enjoy the "benefit" of having kids during those timesJ. Besides, before I got the on site parking, Daddy used to drop me off to work and pick me with the kids so that I didn't have to walk all the way from parking lot to my office which is a long distance.

I remember one day after work, they came to pick me up. Olivia and Evan were jumping up and down cheering "mommy, mommy!" outside the fence while I was walking slowly on crutches towards the gate.  After I got next to the car, Olivia took my crutches and put them into the car and Evan opened the door for me. After everyone settled into the car, Daddy started to drive.

We talked a little bit of how everyone's day went and Olivia said: "Mommy?"

"Yeah?' I responded.

Olivia bent her head down a little and appeared to be a little sad and with a tailed off voice she said: "Mommy, you are getting all the attentions. You have every one of us helping you after you sprained your ankle. But nobody cared about me when I sprained my ankle."

"Oh, honey, you know we all care about you." I tried to console her.

"No, you guys didn't help me like we helped you." she complained.

"Olivia, that's because your sprain was not nearly as bad as mommy's and you could still walk around. Don't feel bad, of course we all care about you!" Daddy consoled her too which made her feel better.

Like I said, Evan got to be called "on duty" of helping me more than Olivia as Olivia has more post school activities. Although he never complained to me in person, Daddy told me one day after the kids went to sleep that when he asked Evan to bring me a cup of water upstairs after he already made a couple of trips, Evan asked him: "Why mommy can not do all these by herself?"

"Well, you know mommy can not walk right now." Daddy explained.

"Yeah, but she can walk on crutches!" Evan said.

I am sorry honey, even with the crutches, mommy still can not get the water on her own as she can not hold the water and walk on crutches at the same time
L. That's why I really appreciate your helpJ!

In fact I appreciate everyone's help for the past three weeks not only my family members but also my friends and coworkers at work who opened the doors and held the elevator's door for me, delivered my food from microwave to my desk, helped carry my bag and walk me to the car…it is a very warm feeling to know there are so many nice people in this world who make a difference in other people's lives.


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