
小東西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小東西之二: Evan, 11 years old
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Sad News

(2006-04-07 07:43:06) 下一個

Yesterday, Olivia’s first official pet hamster “Hammy” died (even though she thinks it is her sixth pet which includes a goldfish which did not live for a day, a praying mantis, something she does not know, a lady bug and a spider). Olivia cried and was very sad. She called daddy at work and broke the news to him while she was crying. It’s never a good experience to see a life disappearing. 

When we took “Hammy” home last fall from daycare, the teacher told us that he was very old and could die at any time. I am surprised he actually lived until now. A couple of days ago, I had a bad feeling when I noticed that he was not as alert as usual, kind of dragged himself around. And last night, we found him dead when we put more food into his cage.  

I told Olivia that she has been a good caretaker to “Hammy”. It is not her fault that “Hammy” died. He is just too old. Olivia asked daddy to write a note to bring to daycare tomorrow to show her teacher and friends. It says: “Today, April the 6th, my pet hamster died.” 

Olivia and daddy buried “Hammy” in our yard this morning. She put a white stone on top of it so she knows where he is buried. Bye-bye, Hammy! We will miss you.

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