盈袖2006 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2010-06-25 08:20:03) 下一個


1.上班太忙不好,太空也不好,會覺得時間過得特別得慢.那天我去茶水間,回來時路過一個埃及同事的位子,看他躺坐在辦公椅上, 百無聊賴的樣子,電腦屏幕上的信箱沒有一個未讀郵件.知道他是在等下班.他抬起頭來和我打招呼,想要閑聊,我們關係不錯,常常相互打趣.我於是說: “You look so boring.” 

他顯然吃了一驚,敏感的我立時意識到自己的錯誤.還沒等我開口,機靈的他忽地笑了,: “Thank you!” 調侃都在語調裏. 

我的臉紅了,”Sorry, I meant you looked so bored.” 

I know. Not a problem. In fact you’re right. I am bored to death. 


我自然有了問題,,Do you have to season it first, you know…, 又是這個字,我在很多調料醬的瓶子上看到過,看到認識,但要說,又忘了具體拚寫,記得好像有M, N,E……我在腦子裏搜索著,嘴裏不小心也跟著腦子說了出來, Ma…Nure… 




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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:
No, these are only the "entertaining ones":)

I agree with you. I am ok with myself making mistakes now and then and that's the only way to improve. However I am serious with the professional occasions, trying best not to make even tiny mistakes.

Most people are tolerant with the mistakes in daily life. I would be with a foreigner and amused by the cute mistakes, just as those made by a kid starting to talk.
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Are you sure ? only two mistakes so far ? C'mon ..., please don't be so shy/stingy. :)) BTW, your two samples are entertainingly hilarious!

FYI, your are not alone to experience the pains and bewilderedness coming with learning and mastering a foreign language. To pay sympathy, I've made tons of errors from the very beginning, some of them were epic ones. My worst ones were those bloopers I made with my dates, which I wish there were quicksand pits to gabble me down instantly, sparing me from my misery and embarrassment. :(. Nowadays, I still make mistakes time to time, the only difference between now and then is that my skin get“thicker”while“face value” goes the opposite direction.:)

To be fair, my experiences have been that Americans are, in general, reasonably generous and forgiven towards to people who don't communicate with their mother tongues. In fact, American girls are actually extra patient and sweeter when it comes to foreign guys. I suspect, born-in-other-country
may give me an edge to even the playing field and fend off my native opponents, advancing me in the most competitive sport ever invented in human history – dating. :).

I think, to control the damage caused by misusing of an English word or an idiom, having a sense of humor would do the trick. Sometimes, making an joke on yourself at your own expense can turn the tide, besides it can be fun as well. What's more, people see your confidence though a seeming spiral downward occurrence, and often they would laugh with you rather laugh at you.

Case in the point, it is those “sweating” mistakes that in the process make us better speakers and writers in second language. I bet you, you would think twice before throwing “boring” to a guy right on his face. Well, I take it back, I'd be willing to accept the word “boring” rather than the other one if you'd insult me with your two “master pieces". :)
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 回複graceusa的評論:
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 回複石庫門的評論:
嗬嗬,就是啊,現在想起來我都臉紅... 第一個其實我心裏非常清楚,但出口不小心就錯,屬於口誤,現在都要很小心.誰願意被人說BORING 啊:)
graceusa 回複 悄悄話 haha~~ 等下和你一篇~~~
石庫門 回複 悄悄話 你很可愛~~~。 吃牛排,說牛糞,哈哈哈。