盈袖2006 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2010-05-31 16:36:24) 下一個






不過另外的分類表明很多性生活都是婚外的,或者在單身之間,或者是婚外戀.調查結果可以看出相當一部分人對於性很隨便,甚至是求刺激,在公共衛生間,停車場,電梯等處都是他們尋歡作樂的場所.最令我吃驚的是一個人自曝: 在教堂的PEW(條凳式座位上)和牧師的年少女兒性交.我內心其實真的很希望他隻是在瞎說,誇耀.











Times Online marriage and sex survey

Darling, that was wonderful: British couples reveal the quantity of sex after parenthood may be down but the quality is up


In all, 1,675 respondents - 54% of them male - filled in the survey on the Times Online’s Alpha Mummy blog. While not strictly scientific - because the respondents were self-selected - it painted a reassuring picture of what happens to romance after having children. The majority of parents said they had sex more than once a month; and 63% said the frequency of their love-making ranged from several times a week to two to three times a month. For 46%, love-making sessions lasted 20-45 minutes, while 34% made love for up to 20 minutes and 3% for more than an hour.





·         長壽 - Lower mortality rates.

·         減少前列腺癌的幾率 - Reduced risk of prostate cancer.

·         改善形體姿態 - Improves posture.

·         提高自我尊重 - Boosts self esteem.

·         感覺更年輕 - Makes a person feel younger.

·         肚子,臀部堅實有彈性 - Firms tummy and buttocks.

·         保持夫妻間的感情聯絡 - Keeps spouses connected emotionally.

·         鎮痛 - Offers pain-relief.

·         提供對生活的正麵態度 - Gives people a positive attitude on life.

·         減少心髒病的幾率 - Reduced risk of heart disease.

·         使人平靜 - Makes a person more calm.

·         提高健美程度 - Improves fitness level.

·         易怒程度降低 - Makes a person less irritable.

·         減低抑鬱度 - Reduced depression.

·         嗅覺增強 - Improved sense of smell.

·         對免疫係統的治療作用 - Has a therapeutic effect on immune system.

·         膀胱控製度增加 - Better bladder control.

·         緩解經痛 - Relieves menstrual cramps.

·         幫助睡眠 - Helps people sleep better.

·         提高消化能力 - Improves digestion.

·         健康牙齒 - Healthier teeth.

·         提高記憶力 - Helps folks remember more.

·         在大腦裏分泌化學物質一刺激枝狀晶體的生長 - Produces chemicals in the brain to stimulate the growth of new dendrites.

·         減低氫化可的鬆(一種產生疲憊和渴求感的荷爾蒙)程度 - Lowers the level of cortisol, a hormone that can trigger fatigue and cravings.

·         減少不安全感 - Lowers feelings of insecurity.

·         提高承諾程度 - Increases level of commitment.

·         減少感冒,流感 - Less-frequent colds and flu.

·         減輕體重(30分鍾的性生活可以燃燒約200卡路裏) - It can help people achieve weight loss since about 200 calories are burned during 30 minutes of active sex.

·         研究還表明禁欲會使人更具競爭優勢,原因不明 - Studies are also showing that it is a myth that abstinence can sharpen a person's competitive edge.

原來神給人性欲,除了眾所周知的傳宗接代目的之外,還有強健體魄的用意.不過雖然如此,前幾天我在廣播裏又聽到說,加拿大的男人對於汽車(CARS)的興趣竟然大過性生活 一個更為令人訝異和震驚的調查結果,男人不都是性動物嗎?

不過我以前的確聽過一個笑話,說妻子買了一件新的皮衣,展示給丈夫看.丈夫連聲稱讚.妻子非常開心滿意.不料丈夫接著說: 這皮衣聞起來真像一部新卡車裏麵的味道.

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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 回複縱然平行的評論:
pardon my english. in fact I meant "leave alone"= keep that part. I thought it the best part of your imagination and will be HOT
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Awww... that's not fair. Guys do the hard work/labor all the time, too. We won't mind or whine.:) However, you are on something which I do see your point, though. I'd agree that men can do cleaning work as well. The thing is that it may not their cup of tea.

I think that the real question is whether or not the work done by a person can possess the connotation of “a labor of love"; if the answer is positive, genders or tasks become irrelevant since such honest effort(s) are totally voluntary, meaning and enjoyable.

I'll take off the bleach part as you suggested when I make my case. In the meantime, I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope she'd buy it. :)
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 you are certainly a genius, except I would suggest the men do the cleaning because women indeed CAN enjoy the result better without laboring. Leave the cleanning men with bleach part though.
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Not too long ago, a major news magazine's survey asked its female readers in the city where I live a question “which would you prefer: a romantic meal at your prefered restaurant or making-love to your bf or husband ?“ Guess what, a significant majority of them picked the romantic meal over ml. Gees, that was a shocking revelation. Nevertheless, when the same question posted to males, overwhelmingly, they chose... yes, you might have guessed it. It is a no brainer question :))

So here is my thinking after reading your piece, I think that to improve frequency and satisfaction in mutual way, how about doing the followings:

a. First, the guy takes his gf or wife to her favorite restaurant for a romantic meal, from wine list to desert cart.

b. Then, the guy would encourage his love to clean his car or suv, waxing,vacuuming,detailing and doing whatever she "craves" that day, In turn, the ending results may offer her a sense of accomplishment that gets something done neatly.

c. After that, If she is an ambitious pro cleaner, she may clean her guy from head to toe with soap, windex, lysol, bleach, 97% alcohol or any other industrial strength clean products available on the market, if she is more romantic type, she may bath him or better yet wash each other gently as fp.

d. Next, (listen up, this step is very crucial to us:)), ml in the guy's car (which she's just cleaned inside out with her personal touch) passionately. This would give the guy a special moment to relish and realize his fantasy – a modern version of beauty (his lady) and the beast (the combined entity from him and his muscle car/suv).

How would the above sequences sound ? Please critique before I'd sell this idea to my gf :)