盈袖2006 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

回國劄記 二 新年晚會

(2007-04-05 22:53:13) 下一個











劉歡的出場把晚會推向高潮,他當天正好受了風寒,說聲音不大找得到,不過會盡全力演唱。他的歌聲依然是那麽激越高昂,充滿了噴薄而出的情感。當他唱道:"隻因那彎彎的憂傷,穿透了我的胸膛。。。" 那一瞬間我的胸膛也被一種情感穿透了。觀眾席裏發出震耳欲聾的掌聲和喧囂,希望他能加唱一首,再一首。。。




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明亮 回複 悄悄話 是這樣的,這些明星就在身邊是感覺很奇怪。我也最喜歡的“壟上行",很田園的歌曲。蔡琴的歌是試音響的時候常聽的,我還以為就我們有這習慣呢。原來她本人是這樣的,也有些失望。聽了這麽多的老歌,真好。
盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 神在阿堵中:也去看了你的新文,好像也是感慨多多,等著看下文。杭州變了很多,開始有大城市的味道了,主題鮮明要做休閑城市。父親老了,身體也不好。讓我很難受



縱然平行: I know exactly what you are trying to express since I do have similar experience. Music plays an important part in my life. It stimulates me, inspires me and in occasions it calms and soothes me. Honestly speaking I can hardly imagine a life for me without music, books and computers.They are the tunnels that connect our hearts to those outside in the world and along the human history.

ice3 回複 悄悄話 時光飛逝~彈指一揮間啊~ :((
縱然平行 回複 悄悄話 Welcome back and hope you are doing ok after changing pace. Life, as it may have its own rhymes, hectic or not at sometime eventually should be return normal when daily routines settle in -:).

I’d agree with you that some songs or voices or music scores we listen, heard or played at certain points of our life have left "eternal" marks in our memories. When we’d encounter them again willingly or unwillingly our dormant past would be awakened suddenly. And we’d often be compelled to relive or undergo those special moments one more time, either joyful or agonizing, to that matter.

Sometimes I felt that our lives would be made of a string of distinct sounds, each link on this ever-grow chain might embed some codes and capsule a slice of preserved time within until the day is being revealed again to allow us to re-exam ourselves under new lights.

Recently, I found myself to listen Sarah Brightman’s recent CD “DIVA- The single collection” repeatedly. Obviously, her fantastic voice which features three-octave vocal range and extends to an E above Soprano C combined with her singing style is treat for me after a day of stressful work, but, it is not just voice or songs that I familiar with but because the music has made the connection of my past and present. That was the year of 1995 I was a college student in an university where I was very unsatisfied with my life. For instance, the classes I took were boring and professors are dull and uninspiring; a girl I dated was not being proved by my parents just because of her social gentry. My daily escape consisted of playing computer games or music instruments or reading non-textbooks. Till one day I received a CD as a gift, my perspective towards to future changed. The CD was Sarah Brightman’s album named “Fly”. It was not just her singing voice frequently soothing my nerves while I was studying or amusing myself it was that the music clicked in my mind and led me to think about potentials lied ahead and prompted me to made decisions which have been productive. As my music taste was shifted to more contemporary spectrum with time goes her voice was long gone as I thought it should be. Yet, last Nov., by chance, when I was in a music store to buy some CDs her newly released album caught my eyes. Nowadays, as loads and responsibilities at work are seemingly devouring my time and me alive without my consent-:), the songs in Sarah Brightman’s DIVA are able to bring me back to my “restless” period and at same time propelled me forward in other sense . The difference is that this time around, the things would wake me up in the middle night is no longer to bear remote resemblance as they were 12 years ago. However, I know, no matter what would be I will go though peacefully as I did.

Sometime, as people say one needs to face the music. Why not, I’d add “bring it on to stimulate us”.

Enjoy the holiday.

小麥子小麥子 回複 悄悄話 從你的字裏常看見, 自己的心情.
蔡琴, 真的? 小小的受點打擊.


玄米 回複 悄悄話 盈袖好。調整好了吧,等著看呢。
神在阿堵中 回複 悄悄話 你好!盈袖,

