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Ben Franklin's Leather Apron Club (富蘭克林的皮圍裙俱樂部)

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Benjamin Franklin,本傑明 富蘭克林, 作為一個幾乎最具美國代表性的人物,大家多有了解,耳熟能詳他的故事和他的成就。

Benjamin Franklin, as one of the most emblematic figures in American history, is widely known, and many are familiar with his stories and accomplishments.

在Walter Isaacson 給Benjamin Franklin的自傳裏,我了解到21歲的Benjamin在1727年組織的Leather Apron(皮圍裙)俱樂部,又稱Junto。


通過和成員的演習辯論和談話,Benjamin 發展製定了辯論和討論風格:需通過柔和的蘇格拉底式的詢問,辯論者需摒棄對爭辯的喜好和對我贏你輸的追逐。Benjamin教俱樂部成員通過建議和詢問來討論, 以及規避直接衝撞對方的方式以避免不快。60年後在憲法集會上,他也是這樣推崇這種交流方式。

In Walter Isaacson's biography of Benjamin Franklin, I learned that at the age of 21 in 1727, Benjamin organized the Leather Apron Club, also known as the Junto.

The club initially consisted of 12 members, including his fellow printers, a witty Oxford dropout, a glassware maker and amateur mathematician, a poetry enthusiast, a pun-loving young man, and a strict disciplinarian clerk.

Through exercises, debates, and discussions with the members, Benjamin developed a style of debate and discussion that required gentle Socratic questioning, with participants encouraged to abandon a preference for argument and the pursuit of winning over others. Benjamin taught the club members to engage in discussions through suggestions and inquiries, and to avoid direct clashes to prevent discomfort. Sixty years later, at the Constitutional Convention, he continued to advocate for this approach to communication.

聚會辯論的話題從社會問題,科學,到哲學。如什麽會使人快樂? 智慧是什麽?


1. 你最近讀到什麽書你願意分享?

2. 你最近聽到什麽故事你願意分享?

3. 最近你聽到誰的生意越做越好?原因是什麽?

4. 最近哪位公民做了值得讚揚和效仿的好事? 哪位公民犯了錯我們應警醒和避免?

5. 最近有外城人來嗎? 他的品質和優點呢? 我們需要和他(她)聯係上嗎?

6. 你最近有發現政府的法律製定有缺陷需要修訂嗎?

7. 最近有看到民眾的正當自由被侵蝕嗎?

8. 你想結識哪位朋友,我們俱樂部能為你做點什麽?


The topics for discussion at the meetings ranged from social issues, science, to philosophy. Questions like "What brings happiness to people?" and "What is wisdom?" were explored.

In addition to debates, Benjamin listed a series of topics to encourage members' participation:

  1. What book have you recently read that you would like to share?

  2. What story have you recently heard that you would like to share?

  3. Have you noticed any citizen whose business has been thriving recently? What are the reasons?

  4. Has any citizen recently performed praiseworthy and worthy-of-emulation deeds? Has any citizen committed errors from which we should be cautious and avoid?

  5. Have there been any newcomers in the town recently? What are their qualities and virtues? Do we need to establish contact with them?

  6. Have you recently discovered any flaws in government laws that need revision?

  7. Have you observed any encroachments on the legitimate freedoms of the people recently?


富蘭克林越老,他越注意遵照自己給的建議。他巧妙地運用沉默,聆聽,在爭辯中表現得不張揚。 “當別人說了一件我認為不正確的事時,我提醒自己不要直接反駁他(她)。”相反,他會同意對方說的對的那部分,然後再講自己與對方不同的地方。 他的談話方式使很多人受用,有些人可能會覺得他說話不直接或覺得自己被誤導,但沒有任何人會因被冒犯而生氣。

謹以此文記錄一下Benjamin Franklin對公民道德的關注,互利互惠的做法,永不停止的自我改善,尤其是善於溝通對我的啟示。

For a full thirty years, this club continued and expanded its branches.

As Franklin grew older, he paid even closer attention to following the advice he had given. He skillfully employed silence, active listening, and modesty in his debates. "When someone says something I believe is incorrect, I remind myself not to directly contradict them," he said. Instead, he would acknowledge the part of what the other person said that was correct and then express his differences. His conversational style was beneficial to many, although some might have found him indirect or led astray, no one was offended.

This article serves as a record of Benjamin Franklin's concern for civic morality, the practice of mutual benefit, continuous self-improvement, and, particularly, his insights into effective communication.

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