Jared at Austin

Loan officer in Austin and interested in money investment


(2023-09-16 09:38:09) 下一個

上次發表了“買CD,還是買money market fund”後有很多小夥伴很感興趣。文學城真是藏龍臥虎之地。有讀者指出說在Chase買VMFXX的話要額外收0.1%的管理費。確實在基金介紹的時候列出了expense ratio是0.11%。這也是Vanguard公布的expense ratio。但在下麵又加了一行“management fee 0.1%”。這樣的話最後的expense ratio豈不是0.21%了?就不如在Vanguard直接買合算了。

帶著疑問我給Chase發了一封信,問我在Chase買的Fidelity的基金列出有management fee,這個是不是Chase額外收取的?下麵是回複:


Thank you for contacting us about your investment account ending in xxxx. The management fee is a part of the expense ratio and is imposed by Fidelity. The management fee is intended to cover the various expenses of a team of individuals who oversee, support, and manage the fund. Such expenses may include legal fees, accounting services, and other administrative costs. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you for choosing J.P. Morgan


所以這個管理費是expense ratio裏麵的一部分。Chase沒有額外收取管理費!當然各個基金在Chase賣是要付給Chase費用的。每個基金的expense ratio就cover了這部分費用。所以大家盡管放心,可以在各大券商那裏買基金,沒有額外的management費用!


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