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Everything that's happening is the best thing that can probably be happening at that moment

2024龍譯者:Ashitaka 阿西達卡傳訊時間:2023年11月18日

問:從你的角度來看,很多時候人們會認為你會對他們失去耐心之類的,So also like from your standpoint, a lot of times people will think that you're going to lose patience with them or something,
正如你向我們解釋的那樣,你沒有那種感覺,And as you've explained to us you don't experience that,
因為你隻是處於那種振動狀態,那種失去耐心不是你表達自己的方式的一部分。Because you're just in that vibrational state where that's not part of how you express yourself.

巴夏:是的,我們不僅沒有“失去耐心”的想法,我們也沒有耐心,Yes, we don't not only have the idea of losing patients, we don't have patience,
我們不需要耐心。We don't need patience.
隻有當你在等待更好的事情發生時,你才需要耐心。You only need patience, if you're waiting for something better to happen.
現在發生的一切都是在那個時刻可能發生的最好的事情,Everything that's happening is the best thing that can probably be happening at that moment,


It's the most important thing,
所以我們完全沉浸在當下。So we're fully engaged in the present.
因此我們不需要等待其他的事情發生,所以我們不需要耐心,And therefore are not waiting for something else to happen, therefore we don't need patience,
如果我們不需要耐心,那麽我們就永遠不會失去耐心,因為我們從來就沒有耐心。And if we don't need patience, then we never lose our patience, because we never had it.

問:好,所以當你對某件事做出反應時,對於一個人來說,這可能意味著他們的自我價值問題出現了,Okay, so that you see when you're reactive to something that it's probably for a human being, it's probably means that their issues of self worth are coming up.
他們已經不知道自己是誰了,他們被顯化出來的東西弄糊塗了,And they don't know who they are anymore, they're confused by what has manifested,
要認識到,一旦你知道更高的振動狀態是什麽感覺,在這種狀態下你不需要耐心,And the idea is to recognize that you once you know what the higher vibrational state feels like where you don't need patience in a sense,
它可以告訴你重新回到那個狀態的方向。It can show you the direction to go in to regain that state.

巴夏:是的,但這個方向的一部分是理解為什麽你一開始就偏離了方向,Yes, but part of that direction is understanding why you were out of alignment to begin with,
你堅持著什麽樣的信念?What belief you're holding on to?
你為什麽會有那樣的反應?Why you reacted the way you did?
所以重新調整的一部分是理解為什麽你方向偏離了。So that's part of the idea of the realignment is understanding why you were misaligned.

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