唐宋韻 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

《聲聲慢·尋尋覓覓》李清照 (Slow slow tune)

(2024-03-21 20:02:22) 下一個









1.  聲聲慢:詞牌名。雙調九十七字,多用平韻格,而李清照此詞用仄韻(入聲)格。

2.  戚戚:此處指憂傷的樣子。

3.  乍暖還(huan2)寒:指春天或秋天的天氣忽然變熱,又轉寒冷。

4.  將息:保養身體、休息。

5.  損:損闕、損敗。

6.  堪:忍受,能支持。

7.  怎生得黑:怎麽能熬到天黑。生:語氣助詞,無實意。

8.  這次第:這光景,這情形。

9.  了得:能說得完,能概括得盡。


Slow slow tune (Li Qingzhao )
So dim, so dark. So dense, so dull.
So damp, so dank, so dead!
The weather, now warm, now cold.
Makes it harder than ever to forget.
How can thin wine and bread. Serve as protection,
Against the piercing wind of sunset?
Wild geese pass overhead. That they are familiar.
Makes it more lamentable yet!
The ground is strewn with staid .
And withered petals;
For whom now should they be in vases set?
By the window shut, guarding it alone.
To see the sky has turned so black!
And on the Cola nut. To hear the drizzle drone.
At dust: pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!
Is this a mood and moment only to be called "sad"?

——林語堂 譯——


I look for what I miss,
I know not what it is.
I feel so sad, so drear,
So lonely, without cheer.
How hard is it
To keep me fit
In this lingering cold!
Hardly warmed up
By cup on cup
Of wine so dry,
Oh, how can I
Endure the drift
Of evening wind so swift?
It breaks my heart, alas!
To see the wild geese pass
For they are my acquaintances of old.
The ground is covered with yellow flowers,
Faded and fallen in showers.
Who will pick them up now?
Sitting alone at the window, how
Could I but quicken
The pace of darkness that won't thicken?
On the plane leaves a fine rain drizzles
As twilight grizzles.
Oh, what can I do with a grief。

——許淵衝 譯——

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