
David Wallace Frost和他的關於網球的文章

(2022-10-26 05:36:34) 下一個

他是超一流的作家,而且年青時苦練網球,差一點成職業(these pros-at least the obscure ones,the no stars- wouldn’t be all that much better than me)。他懂網球,懂人性,一本《弦理論》,一本讀了又讀的奇書。


雖然《inner game》一書對球手的心理有很多描述,DwF的視角依然獨到,visceral! 

他說即使一個普通,正常,成熟的人(viz. not off-the-wall),網球也會讓你抓狂-bitter grievance. 很多人會scream obscenities,shout caustic things, throw rackets and make scatological curses, 從根本上對自己失望-view the world’s inconveniences as specific and personal. 這種憤怒的爆發(tantrum)往往讓人無力-enraged torpor! 然後是tanking.


他說,tennis is not just a matter of talent and practice. There’s something else. 他把這個道理放在小字裏!

麵對變幻莫測的網球,我們必須放棄pathetic deluded pride that attends ignorance. 我們必須以達到serene nonchalance 為目標。


網球教給我們的是技術,美,更是如何去發現,去發現優秀的品質,我們都不知道的virtues like courage,persistence,performance under wilting scrutiny and pressure.這個是我要著重的。最終,在追求更快,更好,更優美的過程中,我們所得到的不僅僅是那些初衷,那些milestones,而是一種圓滿,a complete man(though in a grotesquely limited way).




Footnote: dwf lets words carry him,nonchalantly . Here are some:Boneless grace;His serve is near-Wagnerian in its effect ;Ferocious depth;Nuclear groundstrokes 

張德培,deep and intractable unhappiness …

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