
網絡風暴-Cyber Storm by Matthew Mather

(2020-05-06 18:43:47) 下一個

Cyber Storm是一本科幻驚悚小說,一場突如起來的暴風雪,全球所有網絡都被中斷,Michael是住在紐約曼哈頓區高級公寓裏金領, 他的生活被這次風暴徹底改變,信用卡刷不了,電話打不通,上不了網,慢慢的生活物資匱乏,缺水斷電,人們在絕望中大批死去...

Michael和鄰居Pam在電梯口有一段很隱晦的調情, Pam是個護士,她慫恿Michael去獻血,但他說醫院太多人了,Pam說可以幫他插隊 (Slide you in), slide in 還有個意思就是讓男方進入自己的身體。

I liked Pam a lot. She was a very attractive blonde, and hard not to like....
Really?” Her face lit up. “I'll slide you right in.” My face flushed at the imagined innuendo.


Rory and Pam's bed was on a raised platform at the far end of the apartment. Looking closer, I saw that the smears on his face weren't black after all. He was covered in something reddish—
“Go away.” He put his hand up over my headlamp, pushing me back.
“They're drinking blood,” I whispered.


His cart was full of dead bodies piled high like matchsticks, and the silent screams of the cursed rang out through the empty streets.


Over six hundred thousand had died in Leningrad, while only seventy thousand had perished here.


And then I looked at the soldiers behind the fence, not more than a hundred feet away. That's not an American uniform. They were Chinese.
I was looking at a Chinese army base, right in the center of Washington.


Society had collapsed, another Dark Age begun.

“Sometimes things break apart,” read the message, “so that better things can come together.”

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