
Eoin Dempsey‘s 曆史小說

(2020-04-19 07:00:07) 下一個

作家Eoin Dempsey 愛爾蘭裔美國人,讀了他的四本書,迄今為止好像他也隻寫四本

Finding rebecca 和 white rose black forest, 是二戰背景,本人特別喜歡,第三本The bogside boys 是關於愛爾蘭內戰,第四本toward the midnight sun 講的是美國19世紀末淘金史。他的寫作讀起來很流暢,敘事性結構,曆史細節還原真實,男女感情描寫非常細膩動人。

Finding rebecca 講的是一個德國男孩 Christopher愛上了一個猶太鄰家女孩 Rebecca,女孩被抓到集中營,男孩為救她,加入納粹的故事。

對我印象深刻的節選,  女孩給男孩寫的信全被他爸藏起來了,女孩以為男孩不喜歡她了,接受了另外一個人的求婚,他們在這種情況下又碰麵了。

.... “I missed you so much when you left" " Why didn't you write to me? I never understood..." " My father kept the letters from me. He hid them. I only found out about them by accident. I overheard him telling Uli about them one night" ”What? She stopped walking. Her face tightened. "Your never got my letters?"....

Christopher 在集中營救了個在毒氣室沒被毒死的8歲小女孩Anka,把她藏到了自己辦公室,被發現後小女孩當場被殺害。

"Anka was crying, trying to pull away. Frankl held her in place. Fridrich drew his pistol. He held it to Anka's head and pulled the trigger. Her head jerked backward and her body crumpled"


...The dead body of a woman in her thirties were strewn on the concrete floor, her head pumping out ugly black-crimson blood. "What happend here." An SS man stepped forward as he placed his pistol back into its holster. "I saw her place a ring into her pocket"...

"He must have killed four, five, ten prisoners a week. I've seen him beat prisoners to death with a shovel for the gold fillings in their teeth."

Christopher 在集中營目睹了種種暴行後幾近奔潰,他父親開導他的話:

"It's amazing what years of conditioning and propaganda can achieve" his father answered "No one is born with that brutality in them"




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