
戀屍癖殺手落網記---Killer's Mind by Mike Omer

(2020-05-10 06:41:09) 下一個

本書是FBI犯罪心理師Zeo Bentley 驚悚係列第一本,這一係列裏麵的殺手一個比一個變態,很多凶手殺人純粹就是為了滿足自己的變態心理,當然魔高一尺,道高一丈,最後每個變態都被繩之以法。

Killer's Mind講述一個有戀屍癖的變態殺手,他喜歡把受害人用繩子先勒暈了,注意不是勒死,然後從靜脈注射福爾馬林,受害者在極度痛苦中死去,然後把塑化了的屍體擺成各種造型,和她們一起過"日子"。


“Till death do us part” was an unambitious concept at best. True love should ascend beyond that point.


Her naked body was wiggling in a way that made him feel uncomfortable.

One twist, two twists, three twists—the noose gripped her neck tighter and tighter.

She slumped immediately, trembling in fear. Her submissiveness excited him, a sweet moment of foreplay, and his heart raced faster. He was already falling in love.

The common carotid artery is one of the preferred places to cut when embalming to inject the embalming fluid.

He really should start working on her. The faster he got the embalming mixture into her body, the fresher she would be.


He envisioned their lovely future. Christmas evenings together.

No, these kids would stay with him and love him forever. Alongside their mother. One woman, a boy, and a girl. A family, ready to be his.


Later we all found out Bertha made her sons keep their dead sister company. She locked them inside, told them their sister was finally behaving like a good little girl. And that they had to pray she'd get better. They were all locked in with that rotting body for over a week.




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