
對人生充滿激情,喜歡智慧/靈魂/肢體的愉悅,相信隻要人有真心和真情彼此都能相通。我剛發表長篇小“Girl at Dawn 黎明女“,敘述了母女二人各自的--又有瓜葛的--離奇的愛情故事 amazon.com/s?k=girl+at+dawn

都說媽媽是狐狸精 (黎明女 3)

(2019-05-30 09:28:59) 下一個



In the courtyard, Fourth is sweeping the ground.

Our small compound only houses our two families. SanNe’s is larger with all red bricks and four rooms. VeVe and I have three rooms besides the kitchen and the bathroom. Facing north, SanNe’s house has better feng shui than our south-facing house. Both houses have a narrow hallway that opens to the courtyard.

The courtyard seems larger than it is because it’s empty. Other than SanNe’s ceramic flower pots strewn here and there, there are only two other fixtures: SanNe’s storage shed and the gigantic mulberry tree. The mulberry tree is tall and bushy. Normally mulberries don’t grow in the cold North, unless it’s in a shielded, temperate environment. Our compound is enclosed by tall, brick walls, which softens the harsh winter and allows the mulberry tree to thrive. The mulberries can be yellow, red, and purple, all at once.

But there is something haunting about the tree. SanNe says that a wealthy opium merchant’s wife planted it and later hung herself from its heaviest branch. I think of the story more often this summer, because the tree is acting so strangely—there is not a single mulberry on it, unlike in previous years when it was so fertile that Fourth, SanNe’s only son, and I always ate ourselves sick.


Fourth is now sweeping the courtyard with a large broom, though there is nothing to sweep. This is a way for a slow-witted eighteen-year old to earn some change, SanNe, says. In fact, it is her trick to keep him occupied. A communist cadre with extensive social connections, SanNe lacks nothing, and eats better than other families. I catch whiffs of cooked pork from her house right now.

Fourth’s dull eyes light up when he sees me. “Amei, I waited for you, waited for you,” he says, drooling.

“You are a good sweeper, Fourth. I don’t see a single twig on the ground.”

He giggles and scratches his shaved head. “Want to see? See?”

When I nod, he drops his broom, grabs my hand, and starts for the shed. We are used to holding hands, even when we are out in the alley. No one lifts an eyebrow or spits on the ground when they see us, as if Fourth’s slowness makes his sex insignificant.



“你很會掃地啊,四兒,掃得這麽幹淨。地上 連一個小樹枝都看不到,”我說。



The shed is a small room made of cheap wood. As soon as I step inside, a strong animal odor floods my nostrils. There are rabbits, seven of them, hopping around or nibbling the cabbage leaves scattered on the floor. Six of them are gray and one is white with red eyes. Fourth and I have agreed on naming this one Purely. He catches her and hands her to me. She easily settles in my arms.

“Is there sand in school rice? School rice?” he asks, stroking a gray rabbit’s long ears with his stubby fingers.

“There’s sand in rice everywhere,” I say. It’s true. Farmers mix sand into rice to add extra weight. VeVe has to swirl the rice in water to clean it.

“Is the mulberry tree high enough to jump off and die? Jump off and die?” Fourth asks, his thick eyelashes fluttering.

“You stop talking nonsense. I have enough on my mind.”

“On your mind?”

“A foreigner came to my school.”

“Foreign devil. Foreign devil.” He giggles. “Big nose. Big nose.”

Sometimes Fourth listens to me, sometimes he doesn’t. It doesn’t matter. I can say almost anything in front of him. He is my walking diary, a safe one. The only thing I can’t do is cry, because he will cry with me, only harder and more loudly.

“The foreigner is going to test my English,” I say, stroking Purely’s fur. “I don’t think he will be nice. How should I act in front of him? Should I be a meek girl casting my eyes down and twisting the hem of my shirt? Or a sassy one with both of my arms on my hips and roll my eyes once in a while? One thing I won’t do is giggle—VeVe tells me never to giggle in front of men. So tell me: should I laugh if this foreigner says something funny?”

“Should you laugh. Laugh,” Fourth says.

“I’m scared.” I give Purely back to Fourth. “VeVe is scared, too,” I murmur to myself.

Fourth lifts his head with a pitiful look on his face. “You are scared? No. No.” He starts to cry.

“Don’t cry.” I touch his cheek. “Shush.”

But his tears and snot keep running down his bumpy face. I grab Purely from his hands. “I’ll throw her out the window if you don’t stop crying.”

He stops like a radio being abruptly switched off.


     “學校的大米飯裏有沙嗎? 有沙嗎?“四兒忽然問。他在用粗短的手指撫摸一個灰色兔子的長耳朵。

“哪裏的大米都有沙子,“ 我說。是真的。賣米的把沙子摻進米裏加重。微微洗米時要花好長時間淘沙。

          “桑樹上跳下來會摔死嗎?”  四兒又問,“會摔死嗎?”他的厚厚的睫毛一眨一眨的。






“那個外國鬼子要測試我的英文,”我邊說邊梳理雪球兒的白色毛發。“他不會對我好的,我在他麵前應該怎樣表現呢。像一個怯怯的女孩兒,眼睛往下看,用顫抖的手擰我的衣角?還是裝出一副灑脫的樣子,兩手插在腰上,不時給他一個白眼? 我隻知道我不能傻笑. 微微早就告訴我一定不能在男人麵前傻笑。四兒,如果那個外國鬼子說一句很逗人的話,我笑還是不笑?”

“笑還是不笑,不笑? ” 四兒嘟噥著。






 We are both quiet for a while, chasing other rabbits to pet. Fourth sits on the floor, with a gray rabbit in his arms. He keeps rubbing the rabbit’s belly. “When will your father come back from desert? Come back from desert?” He asks without looking up.

I have told him that my father went to some place in the Gobi Desert to help build medical clinics. Fourth has a habit of repeating many things, and this question is one of them.

“I don’t know when my father will come back. Soon,” I answer him the same way I always do. “How did your father die, Fourth?” I ask to divert his attention.

His father’s death is something he loves to talk about. His mother dictated to him the story of his father and he repeats it to everyone. He’s been doing it since he was a child so that he can recite it like a recorder without much stuttering.

“Father died a glorious death,” he says, releasing the rabbit in his arms. “Father was a PLA general. Fought in the Pingjin War against Guo-Min-Dang troops, Dang troops. He used two pistols at the same time. Right before victory he was wounded. Bad wound. When he was surrounded by three enemy soldiers, he set off the grenade and died with the enemies. He sacrificed his young life for the Communist cause, cause. He was only forty-nine-years old. Very young, young.” He wipes the drool from his chin after he finishes.

“Your father was a hero,” I say.

He grins, showing his jagged teeth.

I need to check on VeVe, so I get up to leave. Before I open the shed door, Fourth suddenly says, “Fox crying, fox crying.” He grins with his mouth wide open. “Fox nymph, my Ma said. Fox nymph. Your VeVe—Aunt Rain, fox nymph.”

I know women in the alley gossip about VeVe. They talk about the male recipe seekers who—willingly—chop wood for us, install the stove pipes, and change the ceiling lamps. Men who make coal paddies, and bring loads of cabbage in winter—VeVe and I can’t pull a heavy wood cart like that in snow. The gossiping women who gather in the alley say that some men pretend to be sick just so they can come to see her. They call her “Fox Nymph,” comparing her to a nine-tailed fox spirit who disguises herself as a beautiful woman to seduce men.

“Don’t ever say that again,” I yell at Fourth. “You hear me?” I slap his face.

He touches his cheek, looking like a boy being punished for a reason he can’t understand.

I turn around and run out of the rabbit shed. Crossing the courtyard towards the house, SanNe sees me from inside her house and peers out of the window. She is shockingly obese, and so she doesn’t leave her house much. But she knows everything that happens outside her house.

“Hey girl, is my dumb boy still playing with the stinky rabbits?” she shouts.

“Fourth is in the shed. But he is not dumb,” I reply.

SanNe says something else, but worried about VeVe, I don’t bother to reply.





“你爸爸是個英雄,” 我說。





“再也不要說那幾個字。” 我轉身走到四兒跟前,扇了他一個耳光,“你聽見了沒有?。”

他捂著臉看著我,像一個被懲罰又不知道犯了什麽錯的小男孩兒。我轉身走出了小木屋。我在院子裏走時, 三奶隔著她家窗子往外看。她身體很胖, 胖到不易出門。 但是外麵的事她什麽都知道。

“姑娘啊, 我那傻小子還在那裏玩兔子嗎?”她嚷。

 “四兒是在小木屋裏,” 我說, “但一點都不傻。”

三奶又說了幾句, 但我沒心思和她聊。 心裏惦記微微,她是不是已經停止了研墨?

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