


(2020-08-04 08:46:39) 下一個
About dddd years ago when I came into xxxx from China, I found everything in xxxx is beautiful and natural. But during these dddd years, China marches so fast in economy development. The development makes this country look much more attractive than other countries including  xxxx. In comparison with China, xxxx has been looked as less developed in both economy and humanity. Putting together  the officials both of China and xxxx, the chinese communiste officials look have much more humanity than thats of xxxx. As servants to the chinese public,these chinese communiste officials work hard for the people and serve the people. During the present pandemic, these chinese officials march ahead and are sacrificing their lives to save the lives of others. The is why the mortality of the pandemic in China is only 4000 in 1.4billions of the population vers  dddd  of the mortality in xxxx  in only dddd millions of the population.
Recently, I have gone through some nightmares in xxxx. My commercial building was attacked by Molotove cocktail ,but until right now, no suspect has been arrested. If this had occurred  in China ,the criminal must have been arrested.  xxxx is  so friendly with crime.
A restaurent , my tenant,makes some noise with his cooking ventilation. The inspector of the city neglects the lease and the civil code of xxxx and even asks me ,the owner of the building, to repaire the ventilation of the tenant. So absurd! It is really autocracy! They govern the city with their mentality instead of the law.
More nightmares I  experienced  have to be exposed, but they are so long to say.......
As for the present issue of Hongkong, xxxx  makes irresponsible remarks and makes itself as a pretended perfect democracy and freedom. Please shut up before you have corrected your own humain right problem in xxxx. I'm missing China now. At least, xxxx is not doing better than China in everywhere.
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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
魯迅九 回複 悄悄話 回複 '北佛風光' 的評論 : 你對我的這些感悟有異議嗎?
魯迅九 回複 悄悄話 回複 '北佛風光' 的評論 : 【魯九啊, 你這是一杆子打翻一船人。 你這句話一說, 城裏的讀者都跑了。
連你的鐵杆夥伴 北極的星 也不來了。 哈哈】

評:如果有你來此,那也行。 能敢於指責這些裝模做樣的家夥也需要敢於擔當的精神。美國共和黨議員和福奇之間交流,那位議員給福奇的話上綱上線,頗有文革之風,讓我感到文革的癲狂並不是毛賊專有。
北佛風光 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魯迅九' 的評論 : “本次疫情讓那些道貌岸然的所謂民主國家都凶相畢露,讓人感到很厭惡。”

魯九啊, 你這是一杆子打翻一船人。 你這句話一說, 城裏的讀者都跑了。
連你的鐵杆夥伴 北極的星 也不來了。 哈哈
魯迅九 回複 悄悄話 我這個人沒有純政治信仰,要說信仰,鄧小平的改革開放的思想是我唯一的信仰。我隻認物質,並通過物質的手段來檢驗一切政治思想觀念,能帶來好處和繁榮的,那一定是正確的。