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62 Edible Wild Plants That You Didnt Know You Can Eat


By Colin

You’re  in the woods with some friends and realise neither of you packed enough food, what’s your first instinct? I certainly wouldn’t panic and neither should you. You are probably armed with tools in your backpack. Combine that with the Earth vast variety of natural foods; you should have little problem in getting nourishment. What then are those food that aren’t only found in restaurants or grocery stores?

你和一些朋友在樹林裏,發現你們都沒有帶足夠的食物,你的第一直覺是什麽? 我當然不會驚慌,你也不要驚慌。 你應該瞄準你背包裏的工具。 把它與地球上的各種天然食物結合起來; 你應該沒有什麽問題得到營養。 那些不僅僅是隻能在餐館或雜貨店裏找到的食物?

This variety of foods include; wild berries, edible plants and even seeds! Sounds questionable? No need to worry as these wild edible plants, berries and seeds, are totally safe for consumption as long as you are certain of their identity when collecting.

這種食物包括: 野生漿果,食用植物甚至種子! 聽起來有問題嗎? 無需擔心,因為這些野生食用植物,漿果和種子,隻要您在收集時確定其身份,就完全可以食用。

If you are at any point unsure of the plant, you can perform the Universal Edibility Test. But! If you not one hundred percent sure of the plant that you are identifying, I would advise against consuming it.

如果您對植物不確定,可以執行通用可測性測試。 但! 如果您沒有百分之百確定您所識別的植物,我會建議不要食用它。

Let’s take a look at some of these edible wild plants:


1. Fireweed 火草,之所以叫作火草,因為它是一種先鋒物種,尤其是在森林大火或林木砍伐後,隻要有空間和充足的光線,這種植物就會生長和開花。它的葉子可以做茶,花可以做果凍。

Fireweed, or scientifically referred to as Chamerion angustifolium, is an edible plant which is native throughout the Northern Hemisphere.It is commonly referred to as rosebay willow herb in Britain, and in some parts of Canada as great willo wherb.Fireweed can be easily identified by its smooth and erect reddish stem, and unique leaves which have a vein pattern that is circular and does not discontinue at the end of the leaf.

火草,或科學上稱為 Chamerion angustifolium,是一種可食用的植物,原產於整個北半球。它通常被稱為rosebaywillowherbin英國,並且在加拿大的一些地方被稱為偉大的柳樹。通過其光滑和直立的紅色莖幹和獨特的葉子可以很容易地識別雜草,這些葉子具有圓形的靜脈圖案並且在葉子的末端不會中斷。

2. Dandelion 蒲公英,學名:Taraxacum,它屬於菊科(Asteraceae)植物。這是大家最熟悉的一種可食用的野菜。它還有很多近親,例如我們說的苦菜等等。它的名字來自法國dent-de-lion“獅子的牙齒”,一個很有意思的名字。嘻嘻

You’re probably thinking “There’s no way I can eat this!”. However, the Taraxacum, or more commonly referred to as “Dandelion”, is, in fact, entirely edible.This means that its flowers, leaves, and even roots, are safe for consumption.The leaves of a Dandelion are generally 5-25cm long or longer and their flower heads are yellow to orange coloured which are open during the daytime, but closed at night.

你可能在想 “我不可能吃這個!”。 然而,蒲公英,或更常稱為“蒲公英”,實際上是完全可食用的。這意味著它的花,葉,甚至根,都可以安全食用。蒲公英的葉子一般長5-25厘米或長,它們的花頭是黃色到橙色,在白天是開放的,但在晚上是關閉的。

3. Chickweed 縷,屬於康乃馨科(Caryophyllaceae)。它是日本春天節日Nanakusa-no-sekku消費的象徵菜餚的成分之一。

This plant, knows scientifically as “Stellaria media”, can be used as a cooling herbal remedy and a safe, nutritious edible.Chickweeds can be identified by fine hairs located on only one side of its stem in a single band and fine hairs on its sepals. A prime salad ingredient if you were to ask me!

這種植物在科學上被稱為“繁縷媒介”,可以用作涼爽的草藥和安全,營養的食物。可以通過僅在其莖的一側上的單個帶中的細毛和在其萼上的細毛來識別。 如果你問我的話,這是一種主要的沙拉配料!

4. Curly Dock 皺葉酸模,顧名思義它具有獨特的波浪和曲卷的邊緣,其幼葉幾次煮沸可食用。


RumexCrispus, commonly referred to as “Curly Dock”, is a safe selection for a snack if you’re in a tight spot with limited to no other edible options.  Although the leaves of this plant can be described as appetizing and a prime source of both vitamin A and vitamin B, it is best to be consumed moderately as it can cause urinary tract irritation.

學名RumexCrispus,它是蓼科的一個種類,通常被稱為“卷曲碼頭”,如果你食物緊缺,沒有其他可食用的選擇,它是一個安全的小吃選擇。 雖然這種植物的葉子可以被描述為開胃和維生素A和維生素B的主要來源,但最好是適度食用,因為它會引起尿路刺激。

5. Asparagus 蘆筍,這裏是野生的,形狀細而狹長。

 Asparagus, easily identified by its fleshy green spears which are luscious and delicate, can be eaten raw as opposed to boiled. It is a good source of vitamin C and potassium.Be mindful of wild Asparagus which has a thinner stalk than those usually found in grocery-stores.Harvest length of these plants are usually 6-8 inches.

蘆筍很容易通過其肉質和細膩的綠色長矛識別出來,可以生吃而不是煮沸。 它是維生素C和鉀的良好來源。注意野生蘆筍,其莖比通常在雜貨店中發現的更薄。這些植物的收獲長度通常為6-8英寸。

6. Chicory 菊苣根,其根部經過烘烤和研磨,可以作為咖啡的添加劑。

If I were to make a decision solely based on appearance, I wouldn’t hesitate to snack on this beautiful plant!This member of the Dandelion family is a bushy plant with typically bright blue flowers. The leaves of this plant can be eaten raw, along with the flowers but the roots aren’t edible unless they are boiled.

如果我隻根據外觀做出決定,我會毫不猶豫地以這種美麗的植物當零食吃!這個蒲公英家族的成員是一種濃密的植物,通常有鮮豔的藍色花朵。 這種植物的葉子可以和花一起生吃,但除非煮沸,否則根不可食用。

7. Wood Sorrel 酢漿草,嗯,同意作者的觀點。這種小小的心形三葉草吃起來酸酸的,的確非常爽口。放在沙拉裏是不錯的選擇。OK

This medium-sized plant is an effective thirst quencher and exhilarating snack. A perfect find for a food-deprived hiker right?The flowers can range from green to bright yellow in colour, and the leaves are a great source of vitamin C.The leaves, flowers and other parts have a flavour that is slightly sour which may be comparable to lemons.

這種中型植物是一種有效的解渴和令人振奮的零食。 對於缺乏食物的徒步旅行者來說,這是一個完美的發現嗎?花的顏色從綠色到亮黃色,葉子是維生C的重要來源。葉子,花朵和其他部分的味道略帶酸味,可與檸檬相媲美。

8. Bull Thistle 公牛薊花蕊吃起來還好些,因為此植物全身帶刺。

You can identify this plant by its firm and thorny stem and leaves that end in sharp, extended thorns. This plant looks like one should be sceptical to touch, let alone eat it.However, the Bull Thistle root as well as its young leaves are edible. The prickles must be removed from the leaves before consumption!

你可以通過它堅固而棘手的莖和葉來識別這種植物,它以尖銳的長荊棘結束。 這種植物看起來應該對觸摸持懷疑態度,更不用說吃它了。然而,公牛薊根以及它的幼葉是可食用的。 食用前必須從葉子上除去刺!

9. Alfalfa 苜蓿素有“牧草之王”的美譽,有70種之多。


A flowering plant in the pea family, Alfalfa is nutritious and may be used for a variety of benefits including; treatment for alcoholism and drug dependency.It has deep roots and can grow quite tall making it very resilient. The leaves and young shoots are the only parts that you can eat raw.

紫花苜蓿是豌豆科的一種開花植物,營養豐富,可用於各種益處,包括: 治療酒精中毒和藥物依賴。它有很深的根源,可以長得很高,非常有彈性。 葉子和嫩枝是你可以吃的唯一部分。

10. Broadleaf Plantain 大車前草, 又名寬葉車前

A species of the plantain family, Broadleaf Plantain is rich in vitamins A, C and K. The leaves are green and oval-shaped with thick-stemmed leaves that meet at a base.The entire plant is edible but it recommended that the leaves be eaten raw while they are young and tender.


11. Creeping Charlie 田旋花亦稱銅錢狀珍珠菜(moneywort)

Sounds like a detective’s nickname doesn’t it? Actually, this plant which is an excellent source of vitamin C, has been commended for centuries for its nutritious value.It is covered with very fine hair and its main root is thick. The young leaves of this plant can be consumed raw.

聽起來像偵探的綽號不是嗎? 實際上,這種植物是維生素C的極好來源,幾個世紀以來因其營養價值而受到讚揚。它覆蓋著非常細的頭發,主根很厚。 這種植物的嫩葉可以生吃。

12. Forget Me Not 勿忘我,因為這個浪漫的名字,每年7月1日紐芬蘭人都會佩帶這種花草,以悼念在第一次世界大戰中犧牲的戰士。

Just the name of this herb should be ensuring enough! Scientifically referred to as Myosotis;the Forget-Me-Not flowers are minuscule, tender and usually blue in colour. They are more common during Spring. The flowers are the edible part of the plant and is indeed a safe choice for a snack.

這種草的名稱應該足夠確保! 科學上稱為勿忘我; 勿忘我花是微小的,柔軟的,通常是藍色的。它們在春季更常見。 花是植物的可食用部分,確實是小吃的安全選擇。

13. Garlic Mustard 大蒜芥末,因為壓碎的葉子有大蒜和芥末的味道,所以它是歐洲最古老的香料之一。

All parts of this plant emit a strong odour. Its flower is only visible from the month of May until June.The Garlic Mustard plant has broad, kidney-shaped leaves, small flowers and slender pods that contain the seeds. It is classified as an invasive species, in North America, where you are more likely to commonly see it.

這種植物的所有部分都散發出強烈的氣味。 它的花隻在五月到六月可見。大蒜芥菜植物具有寬闊的腎形葉子,小花和含有種子的細長豆莢。 它被歸類為入侵物種,在北美,您更有可能經常看到它。

14. Wild Black Cherry 野生黑櫻桃一個讓人滿嘴甜蜜名字

I bet your taste buds are smiling at the thought of this! PrunusSerotina, more commonly referred to as wild black cherry, is an edible plant that is wise to be consumed in a very small proportion.

This is due to the fact that their seeds contain compounds that can be converted into cyanide.

我打賭你的味蕾在想到這個時就會微笑! PrunusSerotina,通常被稱為野生黑櫻桃,是一種可食用植物,明智的是以很小的比例食用。這是因為它們的種子含有可以轉化成氰化物的化合物。

15. Harebell 風信子又名洋水仙、西洋水仙、五色水仙,是天門冬目風信子科的植物。風信子,一個好聽而浪漫的名字,讓人想起飛鴻傳書中那根愛的羽毛。

This beautiful plant is relatively small in size and can be identified by its slender stems, the white sap discharged by the stems, and its sagging blue flowers. Harebell’s can range from 30cm to 60cm in height. Your best bet would be to eat the leaves of this plant if needs be. This should be nutritious as the Harebell contains vitamin C.

這種美麗的植物相對較小,我們可以通過細長的莖,莖幹排出的白色汁液和下垂的藍色花朵來識別。風信子的高度範圍從30厘米到60厘米不等。 如果需要,最好的辦法是吃這種植物的葉子。 這應該是營養的,因為風信子含有維生素C.

16. Elderberry 接骨木

Found mostly in temperate to subtropical regions of the world, many species are widely cultivated to be used as ornaments.However, the Elderberry’s flower, as well as its fruit, is edible, although, the raw fruit does not yield a favourable taste.The fruit, when ripe, is a purplish-black colour. All other parts of this bush are toxic.

主要發現在世界溫帶到亞熱帶地區,許多物種被廣泛種植用作裝飾品。然而,接骨木花和它的果實是可食用的。但是,原始的果實不會產生很好的味道。 水果成熟時,是一種紫黑色。 這種灌木的所有其他部分都是有毒的。

17. Field Pennycress 敗醬草別名:敗醬、黃花敗醬、苦菜、豆豉草、觀音菜。

An annual plant with round, flat, winged pods with a deep apical notch.They can grow up to 60cm. Sadly, this plant offers little in terms of food as only its leaves can be eaten raw. They must have some tasty leaves then right?Unfortunately, the leaves must be harvested before the plant flowers, and even then they yield a bitter taste!

一年生植物,圓形,扁平,帶翅膀的豆莢具有深的頂端切口。它們可長到60厘米。 可悲的是,這種植物在食物方麵提供的很少,因為隻有它的葉子可以生吃。 它們必須有一些美味的葉子嗎?不幸的是,葉子必須在植物開花前收獲,即使這樣它們也會產生苦味!

18. Coneflower 鬆果菊是菊科鬆果菊屬多年生草本植物

This member of the sunflower family is a heat and drought resistance plant. Tough guy isn’t he? It has purple or pink flowers that display a prickly seed cone in the center.The leaves are of a rough texture. Tough guy after all. If you were to come across this plant in a time of need, bear in mind that the leaves and flower petals are edible.


19. Kudzu 野葛, 葛根,因為根部含有澱粉,所以傳統上一直是東亞的食物成分。

A yellow-green vine with large leaves which are shed annually. The speedy growth rate of these vines leave them with the tendency to be invasive and they are considered noxious weeds. Not a plant I would want growing in my back yard, but definitely one I can depend on in a crisis as it is entirelyedible.


20. Meadowsweet 繡線又名馬尿騷、螞蝗草、螞蝗梢等,屬薔薇目、薔薇科直立灌木

Also referred to as “Queen of the Meadow”, “Lady of the Meadow”, or “Bridewort”, this plant is mostly recognized as an herbal medicine.Judging by its nicknames, I would only hope this plant is grown at royal palaces! It is a large clump-forming plant that usually grows relatively tall. The young leaves are edible.


21. Mallow 的花朵是十分好看的,也有許多園林用錦葵來做裝飾,有一定的觀賞價值

One of the earliest plants cited in literature, the Mallow, or scientifically referred to as “Malva”, is a low growing weed with a deep fleshy tap root.The plant is totally edible, its leaves can be used as a substitute for lettuce and are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, calcium and iron.


22. Peppergrass,胡椒草應該是我們說得薺菜。

Are you wondering if you’ll need a soothing beverage close-by to eat this plant? Not unless u were to eat the young seedpods which can be used as a substitute for black pepper.It is easily identified by its raceme which comes from the plant’s branched stem. It also grows between 15 and 60cm long. 
23. Pineapple Weed 菠蘿草,超級香甜的一種小草,它的花朵可以當茶飲。OK

Judging by its name, I would definitely have high hopes for this plant’s taste. Pineapple weed’s flowers and leaves are, in fact, appetizing finger foods for hikers.The plant is commonly mistaken for chamomile. It does resemble chamomile with the exception of the flower petals. It grows up to 30cm tall.


24. Pickerelweed (美國沼地產的)一種多年生植物

This plant grows in shallow freshwater including lakes and streams.Although tastier when roasted, Pickerelweed seeds can be eaten raw and will surely help out a famished hiker. Its leaves are glossy green with fine parallel veins.It can be recognized by its violet-blue flowers that bloom during the summertime.


25. Mullein毛蕊花為玄參科毛蕊花屬下的一個植物種


An attractive plant with a tender, velvet-like physique. It is a tall, erect stem with soft leaves and yellow flowers at the top.They are capable of reaching heights of two meters.Its leaves and flowers are not a bad choice for a snack, although, you would be doing your taste buds more of a favour if they were used to make tea instead. 


26. Red Clover 紅三葉又名“紅車軸草”、“紅荷蘭翹搖”,多年生草本。?

Along with its many medicinal uses, Red Clovers are considered to be the tastiest of all clovers and will surely make a good find. It has a reddish flower head made up of different tubular-shaped flowers. The leaves are edible but the flower is what I would look forward to consuming!


27. Partridgeberry 越桔蔓虎刺,為茜草科蔓虎刺屬下的一個植物種。 

A low trailing shrub with fuzzy white flowers that grow in pairs that form one berry per pair. The flowers of this plant emit a pleasant smell when blooming. The leaves and berries are edible, although they are not very tasty. The stems are typically light green to light brown.

帶有模糊白色花朵的低尾灌木,成對生長,每對形成一個漿果。 這種植物的花在開花時散發出令人愉快的氣味。 葉子和漿果是可食用的,雖然它們不是很好吃。 莖通常為淺綠色至淺棕色。

28. Sheep Sorrel 羊酢漿草別名酸漿草、酸酸草、斑鳩酸、三葉酸. 來源酢漿草科植物酢漿草Oxalis corniculata L.的全草。

Commonly found in acidic, sandy soils and grasslands, this plant typically grows in areas where blueberries can be found. Perhaps in an attempt to get the blueberries’ attention? Sheep Sorrel leaves can be eaten raw and have a pleasant lemony or tangy flavour. Be sure to look out for its reddish upright stems.

通常在酸性,沙質土壤和草地中發現,這種植物通常生長在可以找到藍莓的地區。 也許是為了讓藍莓受到關注? 綿羊栗色葉子可以生吃,具有令人愉快的檸檬味或濃鬱的味道。 一定要注意它的紅色直立莖。

29. Shepherd’s Purse 牧羊人的錢包,一個很有意思的名字。

This interestingly-named plant, unlike most flowering plants, flowers almost all year round. It was given its name due to its triangular flat fruits which are purse-like. The leaves of this plant can be eaten raw, which is the healthier option. It is a common weed of cultivated soil in many countries.

與大多數開花植物不同,這種有趣的植物幾乎全年開花。 因其三角形的扁平水果而得名,因為它們像錢包一樣。 這種植物的葉子可以生吃,這是更健康的選擇。 它是許多國家常見的栽培土壤雜草。

30. Sunflower 向日葵,大家再熟悉不過的一種植物。

Scientifically referred to as “Helianthus annuss”, I’m sure a Sunflower would be a happy sight for a hungry hiker.They grow an average height of one to two meters tall.Wild Sunflower seeds are very small and can be consumed raw. The wild seeds are much smaller than those used for commercial production. 科學地稱為“Helianthus annuss”,

我確信向日葵對於饑餓的徒步旅行者來說是一個幸福的景象。他們平均身高一到兩米。野生向日葵種子非常小,可以生吃。 野生種子比用於商業生產的種子小得多。

31. Spring Beauty 春天的美麗,小小的花朵也像它的名字一樣美麗。

Along with your significant other in the months of March to May, Claytonia carolinianais also called “Spring Beauty”.It can be identified by its small flowers produced in the spring which have pink petals, or white petals with darker pink veins.The root, leaves and stem of the Spring Beauty can be eaten raw.

在3月至5月期間,與你的另一個重要人物一起,Claytonia carolinianais也被稱為“春天美人”。它可以通過春天生產的小花朵來識別,這些花朵有粉紅色的花瓣,或者帶有深粉紅色紋理的白色花瓣。根, 春天美麗的葉子和莖可以生吃。

32. Tea Plant 茶樹,一個令人欣喜的名字。

The source of some of the numerous teas we enjoy, the Tea Plant has a life span of 30 to 50 years. Its flower blossoms are white and fragrant, have both male and female organs, and are pollinated by bees. The leaves and flowers can be eaten raw. A very useful plant indeed.

茶葉植物是我們享用的眾多茶葉的來源,其壽命為30至50年。 它的花朵是白色和芬芳的,有雄性和雌性器官,並由蜜蜂授粉。 葉子和花可以生吃。 確實非常有用的植物。

33. Toothwort 石芥花,屬霜黴目,霜黴科。

An unappetizing name, to say the least right? This plant is a member of the mustard family which grows best in moist soils preferably in wooded areas.Its flowers have four petals which are white to pinkish or light purple. The leaves and roots of this plant are totally edible.

一個令人不快的名字,至少說得對嗎? 這種植物是芥菜科的成員,在潮濕的土壤中生長最好,最好是在樹木繁茂的地區。它的花有四個花瓣,白色到粉紅色或淺紫色。 這種植物的葉子和根完全可以食用。

34. Teasel 起毛草

Originally brought to North America from Europe, an average Teasel plant produces over 3000 seeds that birds feed on.It is a self-fertile plant noted for attracting wildlife. The flowers bloom by first forming in a ring around the plant’s head.A Teasel’s young leaves are edible after avoiding its spiny, stout hairs.

最初從歐洲帶到北美洲的Teasel工廠平均生產3000多種鳥類飼料。它是一種以吸引野生動物而聞名的自給自足的植物。 花朵首先在植物的頭部周圍形成一個花朵。一個Teasel的幼葉在避開其多刺的粗壯毛發後可食用。

35. Wild Grape Vine野生葡萄藤

A vining plant with no solid, upright trunk. They grow thicker and higher than most other native vines. A great choice for a trail snack, although, it tastes better after the first frost.Grape vine leaves are green and lobed with long, pointed tips and a smooth surface. Definitely not a bad find for a hiker.

一種沒有堅固,直立的樹幹的葡萄植物。 它們比大多數其他本地葡萄樹生長得更厚更高。 雖然它是第一次霜凍後味道更好的一個很好的選擇。葡萄藤葉綠色,葉片長而尖的尖端和光滑的表麵。 對於徒步旅行者來說絕對不是一個糟糕的發現。

36. Wild Bee Balm 野蜂蜜膏

Identified by its thick lavender flowers, this plant prefers dry and sunny locations to avoid developing mildew. Its fragrant flowers begin to bloom in the centre of the flower head and can be pink in colour depending on its location. The leaves of the Wild Bee Balm are edible and make a safe trail snack for you.

這種植物由厚厚的薰衣草花朵所識別,喜歡幹燥和陽光充足的地方,以避免發黴。 它的芬芳的花朵開始在花頭的中心開花,根據它的位置可以是粉紅色。 Wild Bee Balm的葉子可以食用,為您製作安全的小吃。

37. Vervain Mallow 歐洲錦

This plant prefers sunny or partially shaded areas and mostly grows in thickets and in waste areas. They can grow from 50cm to over 1 metre tall. Their flowerhave five white to pink petals with five green sepals. The flowers, leaves, and seed are edible, although, it is recommended that only the leaves be eaten raw.

這種植物更喜歡陽光或部分陰影區域,大多生長在灌木叢和廢棄地區。 它們可以從50厘米長到1米多高。 他們的花有五個白色到粉紅色的花瓣,有五個綠色的萼片。 花,葉和種子是可以食用的,但是,建議隻生吃葉子。

38. Prickly Pear Cactus仙人球仙人掌

A real life-saver if you’re in a prickly situation! The Prickly Pear Cactus is a palatable as well as nutritious plant that is typically found in the deserts of North America.

Its fruit strongly resembles a red or purplish pear. You must be sure to carefully remove the spines on the outer skin before consuming the plant!

如果你處於棘手的境地,真正的生命保護! 仙人掌仙人掌是一種美味和營養的植物,通常在北美的沙漠中發現。它的果實非常類似於紅色或紫色梨。 在食用植物之前,一定要小心地去除外皮上的刺!

39. Herb Robert羅伯特氏老鸛草

Its many medicinal uses include: toothache and nosebleed remedy, and healing wounds. Freshly picked leaves release a strong odour when crushed, and is said to repel mosquitos if you rub it on your skin. The entire plant is edible and fresh leaves can be used in your salad or to make tea.

它的許多藥用用途包括:牙痛和流鼻血的治療方法,以及愈合傷口。 新鮮采摘的葉子在壓碎時釋放出強烈的氣味,據說如果你將它揉在皮膚上,就會擊退蚊子。 整個植物都可以食用,新鮮的葉子可以用在沙拉裏或泡茶。

40. Mayapple盾葉鬼臼

Woodland plants usually growing in colonies derived from a single root. Their stems grow to 30-40cm tall and they have large, deeply cut leaves. All of their parts are poisonous, including the fruit which is covered by the large leaves.However, once the fruit is ripe, and has turned yellow and soft as opposed to green and firm, you can safely consume it.

林地植物通常生長在來自單根的菌落中。 它們的莖長到30-40厘米高,它們有大而深切的葉子。 它們的所有部分都是有毒的,包括被大葉覆蓋的果實。但是,一旦果實成熟,並且變成黃色和柔軟而不是綠色和堅硬,你可以安全地食用它。

41. Joe Pye Weed 斑莖澤

This plant can be described as an herb, a wildflower, and a butterfly plant. You can identify it by its beautiful pink, and sometimes purple flowers at the end of the stems.It can be found in moist woods and along streams. The entire plant, including the root, is edible.

這種植物可以被描述為草本植物,野花和蝴蝶植物。 你可以通過其美麗的粉紅色,有時紫色的花朵在莖的末端識別它。它可以在潮濕的樹林和溪流中找到。 整個植物,包括根,都是可食用的。

42. Knapweed 車菊


The flowers of these plants are diverse in colour, ranging from deep reds, blues and yellows to any mixture of these. The stems are ribbed and may become hairless as they age. You are more likely to find them in pastures, meadows and woodland edges. Please be mindful that only the flowers are edible.

這些植物的花色多種多樣,從深紅色,藍色和黃色到這些的任何混合物。 莖是有肋的,隨著年齡的增長可能變得無毛。 你更有可能在牧場,草地和林地邊緣找到它們。 請注意,隻有鮮花可以食用。

43. Wild Leek 野蔥

A North American species of wild onion that grow deep in the woods. It is bulb-forming with broad, smooth, light green leaves.Be sure to look out for the deep purple or burgundy tints on the lower stem. You can also identify them by their smell, which is similar to that of an onion.The leaves and bulbs are edible but it is best if you consume them in small quantities.

北美洲一種野生洋蔥,生長在樹林深處。 它是燈泡形成的寬闊,光滑,淺綠色的葉子。一定要注意下部莖上的深紫色或酒紅色。 您也可以通過它們的氣味識別它們,這類似於洋蔥。葉子和球莖是可食用的,但最好是少量食用。

44. Cleavers 又名活血草,鋸鋸

An annual plant with small hooked hairs growing out of their leaves and stems. It is also known as “stickyweed”, “sticky willow”, or “sticky jack”.With nicknames like these, you were right to assume that the plant is of a sticky texture, as they are indeed. You can this plant raw, however, its small hooked hairs will make it much less appetizing.

一年生植物,葉子和莖長出小鉤毛。 它也被稱為“粘性雜草”,“粘柳”或“粘性傑克”。有這樣的綽號,你是正確的假設植物具有粘性質地,因為它們確實如此。 你可以將這種植物生長,然而,它的小鉤狀毛將使它更不開胃。

45. Cattail 香蒲

Easily recognizable by its brown, cigar-shaped head, you can find the cattail in open wet areas as well as swamps and ditches. Most of the cattail is edible. You can eat the young stems raw, along with the rootstock of the plant after the mud is washed off. The leaves are better off boiled.

棕色雪茄形頭部可輕鬆識別,您可以在開闊的潮濕區域以及沼澤和溝渠中找到香蒲。 大部分香蒲都是可以食用的。 在泥漿被洗掉之後,你可以吃掉生的幼莖和植物的砧木。 葉子最好煮沸。

46. Blue Vervain藍馬鞭草

You should refrain from this plant if you are on blood pressure medication or involved with hormonal therapy. It is mostly found in moist conditions with full to partial sun. Places it is commonly found include: moist meadows, riversides and pastures. You can eat its leaves and flowers raw but the seeds must be roasted.

如果您正在服用降壓藥或參與激素治療,您應該避免使用這種植物。 它主要存在於潮濕的條件下,有充分的陽光。 常見的地方包括:潮濕的草地,河邊和牧場。 你可以吃它的葉子和花,但種子必須烤。

47. Common Yarrow

A flowering plant that is considered by many to be an aggressive weed.You can easily identify them by their small, enduring white flowers that persist throughout the summer.You are more likely to spot this plant along roadsides and in fields. The leaves can be eaten raw, although, they are bitter in taste.

許多被認為是侵略性雜草的開花植物。你可以通過它們在整個夏天持續存在的小而持久的白色花朵來輕鬆識別它們。你更有可能在路邊和田野中發現這種植物。 葉子可以生吃,但味道很苦。

48. Common Sow Thistle 見的母豬薊

A plant of the dandelion tribe within the daisy family. These plants have hollow stems, a short taproot and deeply lobed leaves.The flowers are yellow and the seeds are light with white silky hairs.The leaves can be eaten raw and will prove to be good for your body as they contain vitamin C, protein and carbohydrates.

蒲公英部落的植物在雛菊家庭內的。 這些植物有空心的莖,短的主根和深裂的葉子。花是黃色的,種子很輕,有白色的絲狀毛。葉子可以生吃,證明對你的身體有益,因為它們含有維生素C,蛋白質 和碳水化合物。

49. Coltsfoot 款冬, 別名冬花、蜂鬥菜或款冬蒲公英

Another member of the daisy family, this plant has bright yellow flowers that bloom early in the spring before any leaves are even present.Being sceptical of eating anything with the word “foot” in the title, I would probably hesitate before consuming this plant. However, its flowers can be eaten raw as well as its leaves in small quantities.

作為雛菊家族的另一個成員,這種植物有明亮的黃色花朵,在春天的早期葉子甚至存在之前就會開花。對於在標題中吃“腳”這個詞的任何東西持懷疑態度,我可能會在食用這種植物之前猶豫不決。 然而,它的花可以生吃,也可以少量生吃。

50. Fern Leaf Yarrow 蕨葉亞羅

Fern Leaf Yarrow grows as a single, stout stem. It has fern-like leaves that are typically 5 to 20cm long. You’re in luck if you find this plant while in need of a snack because its aerial parts are safe to eat.Although bitter in taste, the leaves of this plant can be eaten raw, but best to do so in small quantities despite its nutritional value.

蕨葉Yarrow生長為單一,粗壯的莖。 它有蕨類葉子,通常長5到20厘米。 如果你發現這種植物需要點心的話,你很幸運,因為它的地上部分是安全的。雖然味道很苦,但這種植物的葉子可以生吃,但最好盡量少量食用。 營養價值。

51. Henbit 寶蓋草

You can identify this plant by its soft, finely hairy stems.The leaves have a lobed margin and the flowers are pink to purple in colour. Its name is derived from the observation that chickens are fond of it.It is more likely to grow in light, dry soil as well as cultivated soil. Henbit is very nutritious as it is high in vitamins, iron and fibre.

您可以通過柔軟,細毛的莖來識別這種植物。葉子有裂片邊緣,花朵呈粉紅色到紫色。 它的名字源於雞喜歡它的觀察結果。它更容易在輕,幹燥的土壤和耕種的土壤中生長。 Henbit非常有營養,因為它含有豐富的維生素,鐵和纖維。

52. Crimson Clover 紅色三葉草

A species of the clover family, the Crimson Clover has leaves and stems that resemble those of the Red Clover.It grows in fields, meadows and lawns and can reach heights between 30 and 50cm. Which parts of this plant can you eat? The seeds and flowers are edible and can be eaten raw.

作為三葉草科的一種,Crimson Clover的葉子和莖類似於紅三葉草。它生長在田野,草地和草坪上,可以達到30到50厘米之間的高度。 這種植物的哪些部分可以吃? 種子和花是可食用的,可以生吃。

53. Evening Primrose 見草

The Evening Primrose is an herbaceous forb that flowers only late in the day and into the evening, hence its name.It can grow between 30 and 150cm tall and has a bright yellow flower with a mild lemony aroma.Should you ever have to eat one, remember that the young shoots can be eaten raw as well as the slightly sweet-tasting flowers.

月見草是一種草本植物,僅在白天和晚上開花,因此得名。它可以長到30到150厘米高,有一朵鮮黃色的花,帶有溫和的檸檬香味。你應該吃一個嗎? 記住,嫩芽可以生吃,也可以是略帶甜味的花。

54. Downy Yellow Violet 軟的黃色紫羅蘭

Divisible into two varieties, the Downy Yellow Violet is a soft and hairy violet that can grow up to 9-12 inches tall.The bright yellow flowers and hairy appearance of this plant make it unique and easy to identify.Although it is not particularly nutritious, it is safe for you to eat the flowers and leaves of this plant.

Downy Yellow Violet分為兩個品種,柔軟而多毛的紫羅蘭,可長到9-12英寸高。這種植物的鮮黃色花朵和毛茸茸的外觀使其獨特且易於識別。雖然它不是特別有營養 ,你可以安全地吃這種植物的花和葉子。

55. Daisy Fleabane飛蓬()

Another plant with a hairy nature; the Daisy Fleabane is an attractive plant with composite flowers. It has hairy leaves and stems and is best grown in areas exposed to full sun.Only the leaves of this plant are edible, although, you might frown while eating them as its hairy nature might result in an unpleasant taste.

另一種具有毛茸茸性質的植物; Daisy Fleabane是一種極具吸引力的複合花卉植物。它有多毛的葉子和莖,最好在暴露在陽光充足的地方種植。隻有這種植物的葉子可以食用,但是,你可能會在吃它們時皺眉,因為它的毛茸茸的性質可能會導致令人不快的味道。

56. Japanese Knotweed 日本虎杖

A large plant that has been classified as an invasive species by many countries, the Japanese Knotweed has hollow stems and broad oval leaves.They have a rapid growth rate with stems reaching a maximum height of 9.8-13ft each growing season.It is best to eat the young shoots of this plant-which some say has a lemony flavour.

日本Knotweed是一種被許多國家歸類為入侵物種的大型植物,具有空心莖和寬橢圓形葉。它們具有快速生長速率,莖在每個生長季達到最大高度9.8-13ft。最好是 吃這種植物的嫩枝 - 有人說它具有檸檬味。

57. Milk Thistle 牛奶

You can identify this thistle by its red to purple flowers and shiny pale green leaves with white veins.Apart from being a source of food, this plant has medicinal uses such as: increasing appetite, digestion aid, liver cleansing and poisoning treatment.The root, leaves and stems can all be consumed raw.

你可以通過它的紅色到紫色的花朵和帶有白色靜脈的閃亮的淺綠色葉子來識別這種薊。除了作為食物來源之外,這種植物還具有藥用作用,例如:增加食欲,消化助劑,肝髒清潔和中毒治療。 ,葉子和莖都可以生吃。

58. Lambs Quarters (羔羊宿舍) (Chenopodium album) (一種一年生草本植物)

This is a dusty looking plant from a distance due to a white coating on its leaves.It is common near rivers, streams, and in gardens with an average height of 1 metre.Bear in mind that the leaves, shoots, seeds and flowers of this plant are all edible. However, due to potentially toxic components, it would be best if you consumed these in small quantities, especially if consuming them raw.

這是一種看上去塵土飛揚的植物,由於葉子上有白色塗層。它常見於河流,溪流和花園中,平均高度為1米。記住葉子,枝條,種子和花朵的葉子。 這種植物都可食用。 但是,由於有潛在的有毒成分,最好是少量食用,特別是如果食用它們。

59. Queen Anne’s Lace (安妮女王的蕾絲) 峨參

Interesting name for a flower right? The legend tells of Queen Anne pricking her finger and a drop of blood falling on a lace that she was sewing.Similarly, this plant’s flower resembles a lace, and the single purple dot that is often seen in the middle of the flower resembles the drop of blood!The leaves and roots are edible but it is advised to use first-year plants. Do not confuse this with Poison hemlock aka. Conium maculatum though!

花的有趣名字對吧? 這個傳說告訴安妮女王刺她的手指和一滴血落在她正在縫製的花邊上。同樣,這種植物的花似花邊,在花的中間經常看到的單個紫色點類似於下落 血液!葉子和根可食用,但建議使用第一年的植物。 不要把它與Poison hemlock aka混淆。 雖然Conium maculatum!

60. Purple Deadnettle紫花野芝

Scientifically called “Lamium purpureum”, it translates into English as “the devouring purple monster.” Scary!The plant, in fact, has many medicinal purposes including the use of its leaves for treatment of external wounds or cuts.

It has pink flowers that only last about six weeks after they bloom. Only the leaves of this plant are edible.

它被科學地稱為“Lamium purpureum”,它被翻譯成英語為“吞食紫色怪物”。可怕!該植物實際上有許多藥用目的,包括使用其葉子來治療外部傷口或傷口。它有粉紅色的花朵,開花後僅持續約六周。 隻有這種植物的葉子可以食用。

61. New England Aster 新英格蘭紫苑

Although considered an aggressive weed by some, the New England Aster is praised by others for its extravagant flowers.The flowers are large and rose-purple in colour with many rays. You can find these beauties in open areas, swamps and fields.The root, flowers and leaves are edible and are said to provide health benefits.

雖然被一些人認為是一種侵略性的雜草,但新英格蘭的Aster因其奢侈的花朵而受到其他人的稱讚。這些花朵很大,呈玫瑰紫色,有許多光線。 您可以在開闊地帶,沼澤地和田野中找到這些美女。根,花和葉都可食用,據說可以提供健康益處。

62. Supplejack Vine 軟韌的藤

A vine found only in New Zealand, Australia and New Guinea, Supplejack Vine produces leafy stems that bear flower and fruits once it reaches sunlight.It can grow extremely long and is likely to grow towards the sunlight through the forest.The berries it produces, once ripe, can be eaten either raw or cooked as well as its young shoots and leaves. Not at all a bad find for a wandering hiker!

隻有在新西蘭,澳大利亞和新幾內亞才能找到的葡萄樹,Supplejack Vine產生的葉子一旦到達陽光就會生出帶有花和果實的葉子。它可以長得很長,很可能會通過森林向陽光生長。它產生的漿果, 一旦成熟,可以生吃或煮熟,也可以吃嫩芽和嫩葉。 對於一個流浪的徒步旅行者來說一點也不差!


After taking a look at all these edible wild plants, I can only hope you feel comforted about the possibility of having to rely solely on mother nature for food. Personally, it’s astounding how much the Earth really provides for its inhabitants, and we ought to be more appreciative of, and grateful towards this sentiment. I mean, we aremammals after all, right?

在看了所有這些可食用的野生植物之後,我隻能希望你對僅僅依靠大自然作為食物的可能性感到安慰。 就個人而言,令人驚訝的是地球為居民提供了多少,我們應該更加欣賞和感激這種情緒。 我的意思是,我們畢竟是mamammals,對吧?

What makes it acceptable for other mammals to follow their instinct by making use of this food, but an unappealing thought for us to do the same sometimes? It is more or less likely due to the fact that we are unsure whether it is safe to do so or not.

是什麽讓其他哺乳動物通過利用這種食物來接受他們的本能是可以接受的,但對於我們來說,有時這樣做是一種沒有吸引力的想法呢? 這或多或少可能是因為我們不確定這樣做是否安全。

If you are interested in wild plants from other places. You can check out other resources as well; such as those from Maltese Islands.The objective of this article was to provide you with sufficient details to resolve some of your uncertainties! Once again, do not consume if you are not absolutely certain of what you are eating! 

如果您對其他地方的野生植物感興趣。 您也可以查看其他資源; 例如來自馬耳他群島的那些。本文的目的是為您提供足夠的細節來解決您的一些不確定因素! 再一次,如果你不確定你吃的是什麽,不要消費!


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