有啥說啥 (8) 知足常樂
(2008-12-13 10:33:49)
公司整棟大樓發行善心,希望每人‘有錢的出錢,有吃的出吃,有穿的出穿’,然後將籌備的物資捐給有需要的人。俺覺得這樣做很有意義,在節日裏不忘需要幫助的人,送出一份溫暖。俺樂呼呼地把家裏不需要的衣服和一些can food捐出去。
最近經濟不太好,似乎對出口/進口貨物的影響不大-----雖然很多客戶調低container的價格,每天依然有很多shipments from China to US, from Japen to US. 公司每天有很多事務要做,俺每天下班便累得不省人事。同事A女的丈夫患上一種很奇怪的血癌----身體不能產出copper, 每日要灌輸copper, 每月要做一次化療,最近天冷了又是流行感冒的高峰期,她丈夫要送進隔離病房還要做blood transaction因為體內的血要開始壞死。 她兒子的心髒又不太好。小黑動手術那會兒,A女主動以她自己經曆過的來安慰俺,俺聽了她故事後淚灑滿臉;最近俺勤快些,犧牲自己的午飯時間來幫A女分擔一些事物,讓她能在六點鍾回家。
dear santa, please please, make me lose another five pounds.
HEHE....eaten with all these candies, best wish for you as not going to gain any weights. To me, most of the Mrs. See's candies are too sweet, but except these almond with dark cholocate candies. Plus, they say the dark cholocate is good for the heart. you know, it can lower the blood pressure. I hope you will like it as much as I do.
hoho....yep, candy time around this holiday seasons
well, customers send us (the company) so many candies. and, all of them are from see's candy, alomnd with dark cholocate ----->my favorite candies at all! One of my customer even said that I'm too skiny. =) skiny isn't the best???
oh my god, It is so hard to keep away from candies. T_T
往年這個時候,有很多客戶來送巧克力,今年,so far,none,理解,
自己買給自己就好了. 學校每年都有Xmas Helping Tree,我們也有
Xmas Connection Families, helping hands are everywhere,
reach out while we can, even shopping helps too.
Dear Santa, plz,don't send 小丫頭any chocolates,send them all to me, thnx, hohoho.