
The National Interest: The Case for Trump is Greater Than Ever

(2018-12-12 04:47:05) 下一個

The National Interest: The Case for Trump is Stronger Than Ever

The great white whale, proof of serious collusion with a foreign power, remains elusive.

— a good read
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萬維假巴 回複 悄悄話 》嗬嗬,看看這個你可能肯定也會無動於衷的!


萬維假巴 回複 悄悄話 回複 'JessAB' 的評論 :

萬維假巴 回複 悄悄話 回複 'JessAB' 的評論 : 【You see, all the leftists can call Trump what they want and hate his guts. But that won't change the fact he won and they lost.】

》We would see what you were confident in! In the coming month, I guess you will enjoy and witness what he would win and how he is going to win.

By the way, I Would have no problem to read your posted web-link. I would simply read it for fun. And the most important thing from reading it is I would enjoy to have some fuel to laugh at you! And I have no way and no intention to change your mind but laughing at you instead!
JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 '萬維假巴' 的評論 : You see, all the leftists can call Trump what they want and hate his guts. But that won't change the fact he won and they lost.
JessAB 回複 悄悄話 回複 '萬維假巴' 的評論 : My blog is like a repository to me. Feel free to read the articles I posted if you are interested. If you are not comfortable with reading English then I suggest you either bypass or make concerted effort to read more.
萬維假巴 回複 悄悄話 Google CEO Had To Explain To Congress Why Googling ‘Idiot’ Shows Donald Trump

萬維假巴 回複 悄悄話 》建議你把這篇翻譯成中文!這麽好的文章,光隻讓看得懂英文的人享受,是不是有點可惜!文學城不是一個英文網站,有很多的人隻能讀中文。再說,即使是能夠讀英文的華人,母語都是中文,讀起中文來比英文要快得多。覺得有點問題了,再去查實一下翻譯有沒有問題。我隻好再找時間了,看看這篇文件是咋地“胡說”的。

川大爺現在的日子有點難過,你難道沒有一點感覺?He is Stronger Than Ever的做“壞事”,也是Stronger Than Ever!嗬嗬,是不是?