2022 (85)
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2024 (90)
"Now is the winter of our discontent,
Made glorious summer by this sun of York.
All the clouds that loured upon house,
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried...."
Once having gone this far, Mr. John Wayne could take it no longer: "Who the f@&k was this jerk and what the f@&k was he talking about?"
"A double blessing is a double grace." that jerk talked back from his coffin six feet under, "Occasion smiles on a second leave." as he pulled Mr. John Wayne in.
這段話的核心意思,是吹捧一位當權者,"把大家都不喜歡的冬天變成了陽光普照的夏天,那些在屋頂上縈繞的烏雲,都被領袖人物埋藏在海底的深淵中了。” (the sun of York = the son of York, 用個諧音字,似乎是要掩蓋吹捧者的尷尬) 結局是,領袖人物被吹捧者殺了。
Mr. John Wayne 的 frustration 是有原因的。