
In the course of justice none of us should seek salvation.
We do pray for mercy.

謹防被 'Me too'

(2021-12-08 07:49:23) 下一個

While getting warmed up for a magnificent journey, gently he elbows apart the two security guards standing at her auspicious entrance to the celestial heavens. And right before making his full-powered charge like General Patton in a battlefield to his glorious destination, he pauses to sincerely beg for her permission as if his upcoming invasion could by chance be disagreeable, "Allow me, ma'am."

Kindly in return she offers a helping hand to Patton's fully developed sward to delicately guide it onto the right track, ensuring his great efforts to land on nowhere else but the devoted path to his glory, only after she has first declared a heartfelt guilty plea for her gracious assistance of such that might with long odds be undesirable, "Pardon me, sir."

The game is now on, neither will "Me too" as a winner afterward swagger.

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
ShalakoW 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魏薇' 的評論 : 改了很多遍才逐漸定型。 既對走偏的"Me too" 運動給予抨擊,又讓讀者收獲娛樂的同時不感到被冒犯。
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 讀了好幾遍才讀明白