
唵啊吽 (熱門博主)
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The power dynamic between China and the USA

(2024-07-24 07:59:52) 下一個

Q: What is the current power dynamic between China and the USA in terms of economy and military strength?


The US and its allies have military spending that is several times bigger than that of China. But, as the media reported, China can subsidize everything. It subsidizes EVs, solar panels, wind turbines, nuclear power, highspeed trails, and batteries, you can find out in the list of the US sanctions in the name of subsidizing and dumping. Naturally, China will subsidize its military and dump it into China. Of course, we all know that sanctions are the result of protectionism. It has nothing to do with subsidizing and dumping. The real reason China can “subsidize” is not that it can print money and raise debt infinitely as the US and its allies do, but that it has the largest real economy: manufacturing. In the last decade, China developed in leap and bound while G7 accumulated debt rapidly and in stagnation. The West hates China, saying China is not their “like-minded” state. If China is like-minded to the G7, can China accumulate capital as the G7 did in the past few centuries of imperialist wars and colonialist occupation to exploit other developing countries? China was a victim of Western imperialism. China has the conscience of not to be an imperialist power. China’s economy developed not by imperial wars, the slave trade, the opium trade, and colonial occupation. China developed with win-win cooperation and hard work. China’s development is different from that of the US and its like-minded allies. Don’t tell me that the West getting rich by human rights and democracy. I know the history is not what the West's narrative that picture presents world conflict as democracy against authoritarianism. Did the bombing of Libya by NATO bring Libyans democracy and human rights? Did the NATO occupation of Afghanistan for 20 years bring Afghanis democracy and human rights? Imperialism disguised as democracy is still imperialism. Democracy is a domestic political system, not a pass to invade other countries or interfere with other countries. Creating failed states and refugees worldwide does not spread democracy in the world. Using democracy as an excuse for imperialist foreign policy damages the world economy, as we witnessed how the US disrupted the supply chains of the global economy.

So the economic power dynamic between China and the US is socialism vs monopoly capitalism. Monopoly capitalism is imperialism and war. Socialism is peace and prosperity. Socialist China is rising, and the capitalist US is declining.

Even though the US and its allies have a military strength larger than that of China several times, China’s military strength is enough for its defense. Imperialism is war and is the aggressor. NATO comes into the Indo-Pacific and needs more logistic costs. China’s nuclear arsenal is only a small fraction of that of the US but capable of mutual destruction. Mutual destruction of nuclear capability will deter direct war between China and the US, as we learn from the Cold War the USSR and the US never had direct war, they had only proxy wars. The US has a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. The US is now seeking an expendable in the Indo-Pacific to have a war against China. The US needs Ukraine in the Far East. The US is doing all it can to incite conflicts and confrontations between China and its neighbors, hoping one of the confrontations can spark a proxy war against China. That’s the Indo-Pacific Strategy. As we know, China’s military size is much smaller than the US and its allies, so China is avoiding conflicts and confrontations, avoiding a proxy war with the US. So far, China already diminished many provocations since 2009 Obama’s pivot to Asia and keeps its surroundings in peace.

Wars, instability, conflicts, confrontations, and chaos are bad for everyone in the world. Nobody can escape the downturn of the global economy. Peace and economic prosperity are good for the people of the world, including the US people. The US is in perpetual wars, so the economy of its allies stagnated for more than a decade. China is for peace and stability, and the economy of its partners developed rapidly. Peace is better than War. The country with the strongest military power and largest military expenditure keeps saying it is under threat and needs more military expansion, we know the US will collapse because its economy cannot sustain the military machine, as the escalating debt indicates.

UN should pass a resolution to endorse the vision of the World Community with a Shared Future for Mankind. A resolution endorses the principles of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation in the international relationship. Only socialism can save the world. Only socialism can save the future of mankind.

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