
唵啊吽 (熱門博主)
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Welcome the rising of China as a threat to the US hegemony

(2022-08-20 14:11:00) 下一個

America should welcome the rising of China as the American hegemony is doing nothing good for the American people and the people of the world. American hegemony is working not for America but for the military-industrial complex. The military-industrial complex makes a profit by destroying wealth in the world. It is the root culprit of inflation today. The military-industrial complex consumes the most advanced technology and a huge amount of precious resources, producing no utility but disrupting the world economy and creating refugees.

The American hegemony is bad for the world and for American society. It enhances a greedy mentality by abusing its monopoly powers in finance and in the military to destroy other countries for “national interest”. The US has been a riches country. Greed for more wealth from the world economy adds no utilities anymore, as a human has finite needs for physiological existence, and one cannot sleep more than 24 hours a day. All the increased wealth adds only to vanity, showing its superiority over other nations and peoples. The vanity and greed increase tensions and conflicts aboard and at home. That’s why there are many violent crimes in the US. The US has the most incarcerated population in the world. The material substance is so abundant in the US that the whole society is sick of overnutrition: obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. All sorts of diseases of overnutrition and laziness. The US hegemony acts as it is entitled to live on products made from developing countries. The materials are so abundant in the US that abuse of substances becomes rampant, creating the social problem of overdose deaths.

Maslow’s pyramid says that after the satisfaction of physiological needs, one should pursue self-realization. Yet the US keeps pursuing material wealth and controlling resources, trapping itself at the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid indefinitely, destroying the lives of itself and others.

Join China in the BRI to help developing countries. Embrace the vision of a Shared Future for Mankind. Abandon the vanity of superiority over other countries and adopt international relations based on mutual respect and win-win cooperation. Welcoming the rising of China will save the US from the present inflation, the stagnation since 2008, and the internal splits of the domestic society. Only the common prosperity of the world can make America great again. The rising of China is a threat to the US hegemony but is good for the American people and the people of the world. Socialism in the world and in the US can save America.

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