
唵啊吽 (熱門博主)
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"民主"是百年誤譯 ZT

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閱讀 ()評論 (13)
zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 有些國人的腦筋已經死了! 愚蠢極了!
在他們聽之後,會非常傷心激動氣憤,一般會說: "既然你說這裏不好,怎麽不回中國呢?"

第一) 這話極不實際! 任何人都不能說走就走啊,不能夠想要就要啊!
比如,你看到一個能幹賢惠的美女,你就能夠把自己的太太丟掉,攀上這個美女嗎?...別人的房屋比你的好,你能夠搶過來嗎?...嘿嘿! 現實一點吧!

第二) 我們住在一個地方,就應該有責任做些改良性質的工作! 怎麽可以盲目地一直讚美它呢? 住在美國,是同樣的道理啊!有缺點,就要說!!!

第三) 美國人很多,各種意見都有,有主張打仗的也有反戰的...自己要有獨立的思想,怎可糊裏糊塗的跟著別人走??? 太可笑了吧!



zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 回複zephyr2012的評論:

告訴你: 我的孩子們都長大成人,獨當一麵,他們是最優秀的美國人,他們當然以有中國血統為驕傲!

zephyr2012 回複 悄悄話
For zWliersman;
You should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

i am out of this talk.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

you should wash your mouth before you speak.

I can tell who you are: you are a short , unattractive , angry, whinny Little Chinese man, you never feel happy for living in this white male dominated society. Pity for you.

For your children sake , do not ruin their happiness. they have a much brighter future than you do.

唵啊吽 回複 悄悄話 回複秦伯的評論:
zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 回複zWiserman的評論:
... a white guy he has Canadian, Swedish, and American passports. Which country he should be loyal to?
zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 有些國人的腦筋已經死了! 愚蠢極了!
在他們聽之後,會非常傷心激動,一般會說: "既然你說這裏不好,怎麽不回中國呢?"

第一) 這話極不實際! 任何人都不能說走就走啊,不能夠想要就要啊!
比如,你看到一個能幹賢惠的美女,你就能夠把自己的太太丟掉,攀上這個美女嗎?...別人的房屋比你的好,你能夠搶過來嗎?...嘿嘿! 現實一點吧!

第二) 我們住在一個地方,就應該有責任做些改良性質的工作! 怎麽可以盲目地一直讚美它呢? 住在美國,是同樣的道理啊!有缺點,就要說!!!

第三) 美國人很多,各種意見都有,有主張打仗的也有反戰的...自己要有獨立的思想,怎可糊裏糊塗的跟著別人走??? 太可笑了吧!

所以,我認為 "zephyr2012" 是: 無知的可憐蟲!!!
zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 I believe that you are an idiot!
Since we live in USA, therefore we have the right to criticize the shortcomings in this society.

per: [[... America " the slaving society? you should go back to China to enjoy the " Advanced feudal system".]]
What's a stupid saying!...

Do you know there are so many white people have multiple citizenships? I know a guy he has Canadian, Swedish, and American passporst.Which country he should e loyal to?

The school kids have to say Pledge the Allegiance is a way to train the young puples to love this country --- this is part of the built-in education system.
After they grown-up, who knows what the heck they think?!

You must be a Chinese! Only some stupid Chinese have the kind of thought as yours.

zWiserman 回複 悄悄話 回複zephyr2012的評論:
I believe that you are an idiot!
Since we live in USA, therefore we have the right to criticize the shortcomings in this society.

per: [[... America " the slaving society? you should go back to China to enjoy the " Advanced feudal system".]]
What's a stupid saying!...Which country he should e loyal to?
The school kids have to say Pledge the Allegiance is a way to train the young puples to love this country --- this is part of the built-in education system.
After they grown-up, who knows what the heck they think?!

You must be a Chinese! Only some stupid Chinese have the kind of thought as yours.

Do you know there are so many white people have multiple citizenships? I know a guy he has Canadian, Swedish, and American passport.

秦伯 回複 悄悄話 美國婦女是1919年有選舉權。最晚的是瑞士,1971。
nightrose 回複 悄悄話 西方國家近代的確有奴隸製,封建製的曆史,但是不能說他們現在還有很嚴重的殘餘。美國人多數在公共場合下不敢歧視黑人,婦女,少數民族,或者殘疾人,老年人,就是因為他們在近幾百年裏把明顯的殘餘改掉了。相比在中國很多招工還明目張膽的搞性別歧視年齡歧視,很多中國人心裏的種族歧視也很嚴重,覺得自己在社會地位上不如白人瞧不起黑人。
唵啊吽 回複 悄悄話 回複zephyr2012的評論:
zephyr2012 回複 悄悄話 why do you choose to live in America " the slaving society? you should go back to china to enjoy the " Advanced feudal system".

you also should check today's news on the news page : 19 workers died at construction site in Wu Han. this type of accident happens in china everyday.

I wonder how do you educate you children with your points of view, they grow up in this country , they say Pledge the Allegiance to the America flag every school day.

貓姨 回複 悄悄話 精辟