
唵啊吽 (熱門博主)
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(2010-02-05 21:21:46) 下一個


(注:這是美國第一屆全國茶話大會(tea party convention)上Joseph Farah質疑奧巴馬總統資格的笑話。因為美國憲法規定必須是美國出生的美國公民才能競選總統,而據說奧巴馬找不到證明他在夏威夷出生的出生證。)


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唵啊吽 回複 悄悄話 回複HCC的評論:
Tea Party made the joke and C-Span broadcast it. Please feel free to sue them for defaming. Wish you a successful legal action.
HCC 回複 悄悄話 To 唵啊吽:

There are jokes that are funny, and jokes that are defamatory. The ones above do not fall in the former camp.
HCC 回複 悄悄話 To rancho2008:

The Hawaii Department of Home Lands already explained: there's no difference between the so called "long form" or "short form." You only need one to prove where you were born. Hawaii's governor Linda Lingle already confirmed the legitmacy of the birth records. She was a Republican supporting McCain, by the way.

This is a complete non-issue. But the biased eyes will never see the truth, even when given the facts right in front of them.
cornerstone 回複 悄悄話 共和黨很有才, 克林頓的時候揪住拉鏈不放,然後推出小布什;現在又抓住出生證做文章,然後再推出一個很小布什一樣偉大的總統。美國人民真幸福啊。
步常劍 回複 悄悄話 真有點懷疑O8M的政治能力。搞一個出生證明就那麽難嗎?
ingodwetrustforever 回複 悄悄話 Many people born in the contryside in China do not have a birth certificate.
wisemax 回複 悄悄話 不知道作者如何翻譯 Tea Party?那是一個簡單的茶會嗎?Tea Party 是美國獨立革命的先驅組織,是反對英國政府的苛政的民間反抗組織。如今共和黨保守派組織新 Tea Party,大有公開向奧巴馬政府叫板的勢頭。
自在解脫 回複 悄悄話 另一個共同點:穆斯林不怪,就狠狠地教訓他們!
lizecn73 回複 悄悄話 The teabaggers are the real 'no brainers' who provoked by the right wing conservative media like "Fox". Regardless whether Obama's foreign policy towards China is right, he is probably one of the most intelligent US Presidents of all time, just like Clinton but with higher integrity and moral standard. Stupid Americans just don't know how to appreciate what a wonderful leader they have gotten. If you go to the tea party, you will see full of provocative speech with no substaintial contents. Look at our cazy people in the Cultural Revolution in the past, that is what teabaggers are like now.
samliu99 回複 悄悄話 沒看出有什麽相同的地方,一個是主,一個是奴。
唵啊吽 回複 悄悄話 回複HCC的評論:
Public figures are subject to joke, that's a reality.Those who cannot take a joke are living in a miserable world, regardless real or imaginary.
rancho2008 回複 悄悄話 To NCC,

That birth certificate posted on the Internet is not the one they ask for. They want Obama to show the long form of the Hawaii birth certificate which Obama has so far never produced. Hawaii state during the time could issue Certificate of Live Birth (the type on the Internet) to people who were born outside the state. Those people want to see the long form which has the name of the hospital and the doctor.
vwbeetle 回複 悄悄話 好!
HCC 回複 悄悄話 http://www.fightthesmears.com/articles/5/birthcertificate

Sometimes I wonder if you live in an imaginary world.