
唵啊吽 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2008-08-28 13:49:54) 下一個







【1】    http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/29/world/asia/29india.html

【2】    http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/08/27/asia/AS-Kashmir-Shrine-Protests.php

【3】    http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2005/saddam.trial/


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唵啊吽 回複 悄悄話 回複fkwawa的評論:
Thanks for asking and welcome to the real world. Let me quote CNN to answer your question:
"Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was executed December 30 in Iraq after being convicted for his role in killing 148 Shiites in the 1980s."
【3】 http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2005/saddam.trial/
fkwawa 回複 悄悄話 Are you kidding? Saddam killed 148? no one would even know who Saddam was, if the number is 148. Your message is misleading. He is charged for those special 148, but not limited to 148. You know the truth. Tell the whole story. Darfur had only 3000 dead? are you talking about those who died from hunger?
唵啊吽 回複 悄悄話 回複fkwawa的評論:
You can say I am too naive to believe these numbers, or you can say The International Herald Tribune lied. I gave the source of the number. Now is your turn to prove The New York Times Company was lying and not hold up their highest journalistic integrity.

About The International Herald Tribune:
The International Herald Tribune creates, collects and distributes world news, information, entertainment and opinion of the highest journalistic integrity. Its balanced perspective addresses all areas of human interest and is trusted and enjoyed by people in all corners of the globe.

Established in Paris in 1887, today the IHT is owned by The New York Times Company and continues to expand the reach of its authoritative journalism through the newspaper which is sold in 180 countries and via computers and mobile devices at IHT.com.
ptyr1068 回複 悄悄話 西方一直把“民主,自由和人權”作為幌子,這個幌子該在什麽時候送到哪個地方,其標準就是是否對西方有利。如果現在中國和俄羅斯都衰敗了,那印度自然是西方關注的焦點了。現在印度還比較弱,所以在西方眼裏還隻配當棋子。
fkwawa 回複 悄悄話 自1989年以來,印度占領的克什米爾地區的獨立運動在印度鎮壓下已經死亡六萬八千人【2】。六萬八千是什麽數字呢?判薩達姆死刑的種族滅絕罪狀就是因為屠殺148人【3】,塞爾維亞種族滅絕罪幾百人,達富爾種族屠殺至今是三千人.

These are not true. Either you lied, or you were too naive to believe these numbers.
欣欣雨 回複 悄悄話 這是真的,西方幾乎所有的遊行示威事件背後,包括一些法律起訴案,都有政治家做後台.西方的民主就是一些代表不同派別利益的政治家們互相爭吵,直到找到平衡點.這就是我理解的民主.順便說,今天是借貴方一角,以便說說我對民主的理解.與印度事件無關.
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