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Difference between Boston Terriers & French Bulldogs

(2017-07-09 20:59:24) 下一個

我有條波士頓梗(Boston Terrier), 很多時候帶他出去遛彎,就有人會問是不是法國鬥牛犬(French bulldog)? 這兩種狗狗確實長得很像,但不是一個種類的。下麵的文章是科普了他們的最基本的區別。

The Boston terriers and French bulldogs are dog breeds that might look similar in their general appearance because they are almost the same size but they are two different breeds of dogs.

Anyone who doesn’t really know about these dog breeds would say they are the same breed. Now what really is the difference between Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs?

Why Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs Look Similar?

The Boston terrier and the French bulldog have a common ancestor, the English Bulldog. The two breeds have the pug face of the English bulldog with the typical large and square head shaped.

Other Similitudes Between Bosties and Frenchies

The two breeds cannot live outdoors all the time. Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs don’t tolerate extreme weather. They don’t tolerate extremely cold weather because of their short coat. They don’t tolerate extremely hot weather due to their shortened muzzle.

Both breed only needs a minimal grooming. Both breed don’t bark a lot. They generally only bark when necessary.

Boston Terrier VS French Bulldog

The two breeds are very similar but they have different origins, shape and temperament.

Boston Terrier Origins

The Boston Terrier (Bostie, Boston Bull…) Breed originated in the United States and is a cross of an English bulldog with a white English terrier.   

Boston Terrier Image

Boston Terrier Standards

According to the Boston Terrier breed standards, Boston Terriers weighs from 10 to 25 pounds. Boston Terriers are muscled, longer-legged, athletic and small boned. Boston Terriers have flat cheeks with an unwrinkled face. Boston Terriers have upright ears that are pointed at the tips. Their life span is around 11 to 15 years.

Boston Terrier Temperament

The Boston Terrier has a temperament that is loyal, friendly, playful, alert, energetic, expressive and intelligent.

French Bulldog Origins

The French Bulldog (Frenchie) Breed origins are not so clear. The French bulldog probably originates with a small-sized English bulldog imported to France and crossed with various small dog breeds.

French Bulldog Image

French Bulldog Standards

According to the French Bulldog breed standards, they weighs from 22 to 30 pounds. French Bulldogs are compact, short, muscled and heavy boned. French Bulldogs have rounded cheeks with heavy wrinkles at the nose. French Bulldogs have upright ears that are rounded at the tips. Their life span is around 8 to 10 years.

French Bulldog Temperament

The French Bulldog has a temperament that is loyal, patient, affectionnate, playful and intelligent.

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