
Maiden bloom on my Japanese Iris

(2024-06-19 17:42:41) 下一個

When I visited the Tera Greenhouse in our city in the fall of last year, I was immediately  attracted by the beauty of the flower in the name tag. 

 The clean, crisp white flowers with a violet ruffle edge, as well as a yellow cross  in the middle, gives a soft yet spectacular effect. No wonder it has a pretty name: Dinner Plate Tiramisu Jananess Iris.

I bought it and planted it in our front yard after right going home. This spring, I was waiting eagerly for it to bloom. But I didn't see any bud showing up even when other iris finished blooming. I thought maybe I planted it too deep. I was thinking I might need to re-plant it this fall.

To my surprise and excitement, I saw three buds at the beginning of June. After searching on internet, I learned that Jananess Irises normally blooms later than other Irises, in early to midsummer.

Yesterday ( June 18):

This morning before I went to office ( June 19):

This evening after I came home ( June 19):

Pick up  two and put in a glass bottle:

過了幾天( June 24),又開了一朵,這大概是今年的最後一朵了。要下雨之前把她請回了家。一朵有些孤單,有摘了幾朵正開的hybrid tea roses.


還多一點薯泥,加些米粉,麵粉做了一些脆餅。這是因為看了杜鵑作的“玉米麵,白麵和山藥泥做的煎餅”。沒有山藥泥,就用紫薯泥。我用小烤箱考的。又看了一遍杜鵑的帖子https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/romance/967542.html 發現杜鵑用鍋煎的。下次有了山藥泥再做一次。


Thank you.

Enjoy the Summer!




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