
Fire and Fury

(2018-01-08 08:04:23) 下一個

這本書最近象它的名字一樣火得一塌糊塗。反川人士奔走相告,十分興奮。不過,我很懷疑有幾個人能把這本書從頭到尾看完。亞馬遜上有個評論十分精辟,"Reading this book is like being forced to eat an entire 5 gallon carton of ice cream" 翻開書的第一頁就象夏天吃了一口冰激淩一樣,爽。第二頁還是冰激淩,第三頁還是,就這樣強迫你吃5加侖,吃得下去嗎?你很討厭一個人,然後有人過來告訴你關於他的一件醜事,第一次,你很爽,很解氣。我沒看錯,這家夥果然是個王八蛋。第二天這人又跑來告訴你一件關於他的醜事。第三天又來,第四天,第五天... 估計你煩都煩死了,任何一個智商正常的人都會知道這麽多所謂的醜事不可能全是真的。


"Michael Wolff has done what the rest of us chump writers can only dream of: He has gotten himself and his book denounced by a sitting U.S. president on live television. That, together with a cease-and-desist letter sent from the president’s attorneys to the publisher, will ensure not only that the book makes Mr. Wolff a truckload of money but also that it gets talked about for a generation. “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” is thus in a class with Salman Rushdie’s “Satanic Verses”—by itself a forgettable book, certainly not Mr. Rushdie’s best, but remembered forever as having provoked a death sentence from Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini."

"If Mr. Wolff had considered it his job to tell us what happened, and not merely to offer up his own clever interpretation of what happened, he might not have felt emboldened to repeat every unseemly tidbit he could extract from murmuring White House staffers. But then he wouldn’t have gotten rich."

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