原來除了橡樹oak堅果acorn or oaknut, 鬆鼠還喜歡吃山胡桃hickory 的堅果。
The road to the wood is thinly scattered with yellowish-brown fallen leaves. I look up, to see the trees above the grasses. Now I know where the leaves come from. They are from those two big locust trees.
The yellowish-brown from the ripen grasses along the road, the same color fallen leaves against the grey gravel road, and the green pasture dotted with white and pale rust wildflowers… what a beautiful view!
Previously I thought only the spacious turf means the park. When I started appreciating and feeling the surroundings, I realized the whole big area composed of a couple of sections: turf, playground, pavilions, bark park, pastures and wood, make ABC park a great park with a lot of veiws you can appreciate and a lot of things you can do. If you take a close look and feel, you will realize the landscape designers’ artistic ideas are displayed everywhere. To maintain it nice, many professional and talent people including volunteers are involved in.
This town is both new and old. This is what I felt. As a town with a history of more than two hundred years, it is old. As a town who well heritages its tradition, has a lot of well-preserved historic buildings, symbolic lands and their facilities, it’s old. The new side comes from the developing actions: more and more commercial buildings accommodating famous supermarkets, healthcare facilities, banks, luxury senior care facilities, warehouses for big companies have been built in the past a few years, and the construction has not stopped yet. The developing makes me feel its vibrancy and changing. Economic development and preservation of natural resources is a pair of contradiction, but I think the town has the two sides equally balanced.
但JACK走時讓我們先不要行動,等他和KEVIN聯係過,聽了KEVIN的建議後再作決定。一周過後,沒有JACK的消息,我心裏惦記著,但又怕是JACK的兒子病情好轉後,又朝不好的方向發展了,於是不敢問JACK。 但是四天前兒子問了我:那飛機要怎麽弄呢?看來他是一直惦記著,於是我鼓起勇氣給JACK發了郵件。向他問好,也希望他兒子沒事,問他是否與KEVIN聯係過,下麵該如何進行?
昨天JACK打電話來,說KEVIN 建議把我兒子的那套送去他家,他看看怎麽組合效果最好。如果我在家的話,他等下就來。我聽了很高興,說我也可以給他送過去,免去他多跑腿。他說我家在去KEVIN家的路上,順路而已。
滿懷感激期待等來了JACK。 他抱歉說讓我們等了這麽久,我說NO, NO , 是我們麻煩了他,然後問了他兒子可好?他說他兒子去上班了,但是因為前胸口裏埋的那個電子監控裝置,暫時不能靠近拖拉機,割草機這樣的TRACTORS。 那個裝置每五年要換一次電池。他說的時候臉上帶笑,我們都驚歎科技的神奇力量。說到興頭,他又說了他兒子最後住院期間的一些好笑事。
見他並不急著走,我趕請他進屋,搬了張椅子讓他坐下說,我則拿了個小矮凳,坐在他對麵。他說最好笑的是有關他兒子吃了藥物後每天做夢的經曆。那些夢真真切切,讓人無法分清是在DREAM 裏還是在REALITY中發生。講得我們笑聲不止。我說他的兒子經曆這種磨難還如此樂觀,難以想像,換我不知會怎樣。他說他兒子是個很有幽默感的人,不僅心髒突發問題,他的兩膝也都是換的。我說了我兒子10歲就經曆了三次手術,他在醫院裏一次沒哭過。因為他先天的神經缺陷,他也遭受過MISTREATMENTS, 但到了現在的鎮上一切都好了。這都得益於本鎮校區自上到下的教育工作者的愛心,包容,理解,學識。他說他也聽人這麽說過。我又說兒子初中時沒學習動力,高中一下子變了,想上好大學,將來有好工作,娶個好老婆。我就盡自己所能支持他的有益興趣愛好。說不準這些興趣愛好說不定對他今後審請大學也有幫助呢。
後來他又談到了人生所經曆的各種變遷對一個人的影響,由此說到了他的一個堂兄寫了一本書,書名叫LETTING GO, 就是以自身的經曆講的人麵對各種變遷的心理變化,如何調整適合。 他感覺是一本很MEANINGFUL的書,他從中深有感觸,但他的孩子並不喜歡。是否喜歡取決於個人的經曆,是否能引起共鳴。這種變遷包括上大學,工作,換工作,搬家,結婚,離婚,兒女離家上大學(空巢),退休。。。
Try "The Haunted Mind" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It's as beautiful as being beautiful may ever be.