10/29/2021 林子裏的五彩路(a colorful road in the woods)
The pond gets even smaller as the water become shallow. An old rotten wood is laying in the black mud at the water’s edge. the significant color contrast between its greyish-brown trunk and the greenish-yellow duckweed, and waterweed, makes the old wood look bleaker. I wish there was a bird, or a turtle, or even a toad resting on the wood. It would make me feel different. In nature, anything that exists has a reason for its existence. People cheer up for beautiful flowers, tall trees, but many times I was impressed by moss, fungus, and other creeping plants who grow in the shady trees or bushes.
The stream dries up, the brownish grey streambed is completely exposed in the air. I stand on the trail, gaze at the two big stones on the streambed, thinking the good time when they were caressed by the smooth water flow, thinking when will the good time come back again.
1。有聽認識不到65歲的朋友,因為原本身體不好,申請打了3RD COVID-19 VACCINE SHOT莫苗, 雖然副作用反應比第二次小,但還是挺明顯的。 她的母親打了輝瑞的第三針,第三針後的反應比第二針還強。這疫苗副作用真是看運氣,別人的經驗不等於你的。以後我不到迫不得已,還是算了。
多年前, NPR 在一次節目中給聽眾出的"一道題“:在上麵這段話後續上自己的話,寫出一個”三分鍾“的故事。
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