Today Biden will meet with the leaders of the two busiest ports in the United States--- LA port and Long beach port which are both in California. The background of the meeting is the nationwide products shortage which is the consequence of the inefficient products supply chain. The meeting is trying to advocate people to put their efforts as much as possible to help the upcoming traditional Christmas gift shopping season.
Weeks ago, from the online pictures I saw hundreds of fully loaded cargo ships parking on the water at LA port and Long beach port, waiting for unloading. Port staffs shortage is the main factor of the stunning phenomenal. From the description on the radio, Biden administration should have a package of plan, but the most important one is adopting 24/7 operations in order to help alleviate bottlenecks.
As pieces of a chess game, several shoppers and retailers will announce that they are taking steps to move toward 24/7 operations, so will Walmart, UPS and FEDEX.
The Firing of MacArthur
In 1945, the scars of World War II across the world were still fresh. The fear of having to engage in another world war was very real. A mere two years after the end of WWII, the Cold War began. The United Nations, which was formed to provide a forum to prevent future wars, included the membership of the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and 57 other countries. The US adopted a firm stance to contain the spread of communism, which was being aggressively promoted by the USSR.
The Korean War began when the North Korean People’s Army (NKPA) crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea. Adhering to its policy of containment, the United States could not ignore the threat of communism in Asia, but neither the president nor the public wanted a long, drawn out war. President Truman hand selected General Douglas MacArthur to lead the U.S. troops in South Korea. MacArthur arrived at his post a World War II hero, having successfully led multiple troops through the war. Following his victories in WWII he had become the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan. MacArthur was revered and highly praised in the United States.
The general assured the president that the Korean War would be short-lived and that the American troops would be home by Christmas. MacArthur was initially successful in driving back the North Korean forces over the 38th parallel. He made a controversial move, however, when he continued to push the North Koreans further north and suggested bombing cities in China that were thought to be aiding the North Korean troops. In pushing for a larger conflict, MacArthur downplayed the risk of inciting a massive war in Asia.
President Truman’s main concern was saving as many lives as possible, 杜魯門的首要關切是拯救盡可能多的生命。even if that meant signing a ceasefire along the 38th parallel. General MacArthur did not think a ceasefire was an appropriate solution. The two men clashed. For Truman, the war represented an opportunity to stop the spread of communism into South Korea. For MacArthur, the war was an opportunity to liberate the North from communist control, and aggressive action was required.
MacArthur thwarted Truman’s attempt to negotiate a ceasefire when the general ordered his troops to invade North Korea and push the NKPA up past the 38th parallel. This was not the first time the general had ignored direct orders from his Commander in Chief. On April 11, 1951, President Truman officially relieved Douglas MacArthur of his command. Word of his firing spread quickly, and the American public found the news upsetting. Truman felt that his decision was just because MacArthur had overstepped his authority, defied direct orders from his superior and interfered with Truman’s hope of ending the Korean War quickly.
沒看錯,是一隻BLUE HERON 立在圍欄頂上
最先到的萬聖節服飾是又黑木屐。兩天前,我會覺得不可想像。想想看,真是應了兒子那話---什麽事都可能發生(那日我問他:“你覺得一個28歲的女孩和一個82歲的老人間真的會產生愛情嗎?”兒子回答:“可能吧。不是什麽事情都有可能發生嗎?” 他比我強。