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(2021-09-12 04:18:12) 下一個

In the shrub garden, the bushes got thinner and shorter. Two blue Jays was standing on the green leaves, when I tried to approach them, one followed by the other, they flew away, landing on edge a few yards away. Liking beautiful women wouldn’t like to hide their beautifulness, the blue jays must award of their beautify, they enjoy showing off by hanging around the edges of woods or bushes. But based on my observation, they are on high alert, they always keep you in a few arms’ distance. But for me, coming across them have brought me a surprising joy and made me feel lucky.

灌木叢園草葉稀落,隻剩下一半的高度。兩隻藍鵲落在綠葉上,我走近,它們便一前一後貼著綠色向遠處的叢緣飛去。想這藍鵲就似美人,她們知道自身的美麗,不甘將自己的美麗埋藏,於是常常流戀於路邊的矮枝上或是灌木叢緣處。但藍鵲很警覺,不等路人靠近,它們就會飛走。 但於我,隻要能與它們不期而遇,我已感覺歡喜慶幸了。



In the reed pond, the sweet goldenrod caught my eyes. Two days ago, when I looked at them, they were greenish yellow, millet-sized buds, now they were blooming into clusters of small yellow flowers.

蘆塘邊SWEET GOLDENROD黃綠色的黍米花苞,開出了金黃的小花


After walking cross the grass turf, the sports and recreation area, I hit the trail  adjoining the woods.  There are a couple of pastures in town, some big in size and some small, some I have walked into, some I only  took a few glances when I drove by.  Each pasture has beauty in its way which people appreciated. but talking about famousness, I believe the two next to this woods are the best known ones.  These two, one is located on the south exit of the woods, the other is on North exit/entrance. Now, I was walking by the one at the south exit.  

穿過綠地,運動場休閑活動區,我踏上了通往樹林的小路。 小鎮上有許多草場,有的大,有的小,有的上麵留下過我的足跡,有的隻在我開車路過時掃上過兩眼。 每片草場有其自身的美麗,但要說到名氣,我相信一定是這片林外的兩處草場。兩片草場一片在林子北出口,一片在南出口。現在,我正行走過南草場。

I even didn’t think pastures an element of creating nice landscapes deserving being appreciated in close or in far until this early spring(in 2020), the time Americans and Chinese were badly hit by Covid-19 virus and people were in panic.


聽了農民市場上花農說了句 this is cosmos. you can say it wild flower, but you will never see them along the road, people grow them in garden. 因家查了一下,還真是直譯為宇宙花,但國內叫波斯菊。







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