"As we plan for reopening of school, we wanted to inform parents and guardians about the option of voluntarily providing their child{ren}’s COVID-19 vaccination documentation to school district.
Having this information will help the district with the contact tracing process, as, in accordance with current public health guidance, vaccinated students who are asymptomatic don’t have to quarantine if they come into close contact with an individual who is COVID positive.
Providing this information to the school district is completely voluntary. I hope all students enjoy the rest of the summer.
I felt stunned for seconds, thinking it a confusing strategy and how will unvaccinated students and their parents feel?
The feeling of confusing comes from my knowledge on this new Delta variant. Based Dr. Fauci’s statement I heard approximately 10 days ago, the vaccinated people still can transmit the virus.
But I was not upset of the stragtegy, in contrast, I am happy about it since my son will get the 2nd dose before the school reopening, he will benefit from this policy. 我明知我這麽想不對,但我還是喜歡這樣的策略。不得不說人性就是自私的。
今早,我一下子恍然大悟!不得不說這個指導意見高,既尊重了個人選擇,又給沒疫苗的家長造成了一定的心理壓力。就算我前兩周沒下決心,讀了這封信,我就會讓小孩去打。 既然這病毒會長駐人間,不管通過什麽圖徑,未來隻能全民免疫。看看有些州發生家長投訴學校的事件,越發感到本州從州官員到校領導都高明!