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(2021-06-03 06:43:54) 下一個



I didn't have a walk yesterday. Today when I walked by the pond which I named "MR.BLUE HERON'S, the scene stunningly changed, just like the corn field I saw days ago. The bushes , weeds and stalks along the road side were all wiped out by mowing tractor, leaving a big open area. Losing the privacy, will that blue heron be here anymore? This is my concern.   



今天的池塘屬於四隻小鴨和一隻小BLUE HERON。 小BLUE HERON色深灰,慢慢從塘岸走下塘,那姿態越發地像一隻小翼龍。下麵的幾分鍾裏,我看到了它從母親那裏學到了獵食的技巧:俯身低頭,伸長脖子,眼神專注地盯著水麵,一動也不動。如果不是在青草背景中看到了它,現在水遠望去也是一片渾沌中一片灰茫,現在很難發現它。 四隻小鴨結伴從岸邊遊到岸中,在那裏它們相互嬉戲打鬧了一番,又變換著隊形,遊向了對岸。

Today, the Fun Pond belong to four baby ducks and one baby blue heron. Wearing dark grey feathers, this baby blue heron waded from near shore into water slowly. He/she found his/her destination, a rotten black trunk laying across the water.

How similar to a baby flying dinosaur he/she looks! Maybe that’s why my friend’s dog Honey barked at blue herons whenever she saw them showing up in the pond in their property. They might look strange and dangerous in a dog’s eyes.

In the next a couple of seconds, he/she stood there motionlessly with eyes gazing at the water.  Out went the long neck, her/his beak pinpointed a fish! It was the first time I saw a live show in which a blue heron shows her/his fish-catching skill! I was so excited and felt being blessed!

Days later, I read on article about Blue heron’s fish-catching skill. From there, I knew they are not only skilled fish-catching bird, they are high intelligent birds by knowing catching fish with baits! It was first observed by a professor , Here is the story about it.  

lining up, the four baby ducks swam toward the middle of water. After playing for a while in the water, they changed the formation and swam to the other side of the shore.   

另一側的塘邊,JAPANESE BAMBOO的一大片醒目白花如融雪般地消失了,枝尾的幾串零碎白花成了我的懷念。再不多時,它們也將去了,這裏將是一片荒涼。 今年我見到了它們從生到消亡的全過程。明年它們還會再來。。。走過四季後,這裏的一切將會刻在我的腦海中,成為永久的記憶。此後,年複一年地,這種記憶都會被翻將出來。






小塘裏的水位真的漲了。靜靜的,沒有TURTLES, 沒有MUSKRATS.


出了林子,發現另一個草場入口一角的楓葉滿樹的橙黃色。這又是設計者有意而為。他們喜歡在入口處種下色彩豔意,奪人眼目的樹種。就像我們會在家中功能分隔區處,擺上一盆花一樣。回頭再看入林的那棵前三日滿樹赤紅的楓樹,現今葉子已落得所剩無幾。草場真是稀梳得不忍直視。在黑色的FALSE QUEEN ANNE'S LACE後,一株白色的ASTER開在淒涼的棕黑色中。




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魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '格利' 的評論 : 你說的沒錯,我目前隻是把平時寫的自然日記拿來翻譯,以後想寫本自然日記的書,到時再補起個標題。謝謝提議!
格利 回複 悄悄話 “學寫英文”作為一個係列文章無可厚非,但每篇文章如果能起一個篇名則更好,篇名可以起到提示主題的作用。一孔之見,僅供參考。