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(2021-02-24 06:04:20) 下一個







今早,我再次欣賞鬱金香。它的花瓣更加打開,花形更似玫瑰。 我就想:這花不僅是色,而且形都像玫瑰。這難道隻是一種巧合嗎?會不會這是種和玫瑰嫁接後,培育出的一個新品種?如何是這樣,就可以解釋它花香似玫瑰的原因了。


我在網上搜索著,一篇“鬱金香的芬芳”的文章讓我如獲至寶! 我如饑似渴地讀著,想著若我當時身處作者的境地,我定會做和她同樣的事情。原來鬱金香的品種眾多,但帶花香的鬱金香品種並不多。她把發現帶香味的鬱金香這件事用一個詞SERENDIPITY來表示,意指沒有準備地,意外發現了美好的事物,這代表著一種好運。我想到了小時候愛看的動畫片《花仙子》,難道這花是花仙子送來給我,是來為我帶來好運的?


我把這個發現告訴了家人。他們也說不知道有帶香的鬱金香花。說這花長得粗狀,強健。我說了我的另外一個發現: 美國的茉莉和中國的茉莉花形和色彩都像,差別隻在大小。美國的大,中國的小。這情況和百合花LILY一樣,美國的百合很多長得高到1米,花冠直徑可達15-20CM;而中國的東方百合ORIENTAL LILY株身則矮很多,花冠也小. 人有人種,花有花種,說到底,對於造物主來說,人與花並沒區別。

There’s a word for the happy and all-too-rare phenomenon of unexpectedly finding something delightful: serendipity. It applies perfectly to a discovery I made one sunny May morning a few years back. I was on my knees in the garden, reveling in the delight of digging in the loamy earth after a long Vermont winter. As I was puttering around, I noticed a wonderfully subtle, fruity fragrance. Its source was a mystery, but the scent was so enticing I determined to track it down. Finally I found it in, of all places, the open bloom of a tulip. I never knew there was any such thing as a sweet-smelling tulip, but the proof was right under my nose. Not only was the flower seductively fragrant, its peachy-pink color was outstanding and its form simply exquisite. Serendipity indeed.


That’s how I found ‘Apricot Beauty’, my “first” fragrant tulip. That discovery marked the beginning of an ongoing, delightful search that has led me to a score or so of sweetly scented tulips.


A few fragrant favorites

As a gardener by both profession and passion, I plant about 10,000 tulips a year, so I’ve experimented with all kinds of species and hybrids. There are thousands of varieties, with an almost infinite array of colors, but very few are fragrant. Of the 100 or so cultivars I plant each spring, only 5 or 6 have any scent at all. Tulips range from the small, hardy species tulips often used in rock gardens, to the tall, majestic Darwin Hybrids that are the backbone of the perennial border in spring. But of all the tulip’s wonderful qualities, the most special one, to me, is fragrance. And though there are a few fragrant species tulips, I’ve concentrated on seeking out sweet-smelling hybrids and cultivars.



‘Apricot Beauty’ can perfume a whole room. It excels in the garden or in a vase, and is easy to force for indoor blooms.

I’ve planted new ‘Apricot Beauty’ bulbs every fall since I first discovered them. This cultivar excels in the garden and makes a superb cut flower. One vase of ‘Apricot Beauty’ will perfume a whole room. For winter blooms, I also pot a few bulbs up every year for indoor forcing.



Like most fragrant tulips, ‘Generaal de Wet’ is an early-blooming variety. And—also like most fragrant tulips—its petals are quite tasty and can be used in salads.

Like ‘Apricot Beauty’, most fragrant tulip cultivars are early-blooming varieties. I guess they are Mother Nature’s way of tempting sleepy bees to wake from winter’s sleep. These early, fragrant tulips include both single- and double-flowered types. Some of my favorite singles include ‘Generaal de Wet’, a wonderful, softly blushed orange tulip; ‘Prinses Irene’ (often sold as ‘Princess Irene’), another sweet-smelling orange flower; and ‘Couleur Cardinal’, a beautiful, dark-red flower with a violet blush and a light, sweet scent.


Some of the early, double-flowered tulips are not only fragrant, but also boast flowers as fulsome as any peony. Of these, I like the yellow ‘Mr. van der Hoef’; ‘Electra’, a pinkish-red beauty; and ‘Schoonoord’, a lovely pure white.


I’ve also discovered a few fragrant tulips that appear a little later in the season—a few mid-season Darwin Hybrid tulips caught my attention this past year, when I discovered two new varieties to add to my list of fragrant favorites. ‘Silverstream’ is a pale, cream color with a fine, sweet scent and leaves edged with pink. ‘Holland’s Glory’ is another standout—it sports huge, orange-red blossoms on strong, 2-foot-tall stems. Darwin Hybrids are the tulips that are most likely to return for several years to bloom again in your garden.

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閱讀 ()評論 (14)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 Dressing warm I went outside for a walk but found it not cold. Instead, it’s a little bit chilly,early-spring feeling morning with temperature of 35F.

The whole night rain and snow turned into the current drizzling which didn’t bother me at all. The ground was brown and black dotted or stripped here and there with white snow left from previous heavy snows.

Lantern Festival dropped 2 days ago, it’s a day means the end of Chinese Lunar New Year holiday celebrations. It’s a day Chinese people living in North part of China have Yuanxiao(a rice ball stuffed with sweets filling particularly for Lantern Festival). The white snow make me think Yuanxiao and I am home-sick. But I will have Tangyuan(a rice ball smaller than Yuanxiao for South Chinese people)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 先寫一小段,作為對自己的激勵,再接再勵,繼續多學多寫。

Two weeks ago, when I brought this tulip home, it was a plant in a glass vase filling with water. Having a plant in a glass vase is fun. You can appreciate a small water world, just like you do for a fish tank. That is what I did. For me, 5 bulbs fully filled up the water surface shoulder by shoulder was a funny and stunning looking. Tracking those white bulbs above, 5 robust stems wrapped with vibrant green leaves grow erectly out of the vase, in the greenness, you will see 5 small pink-rose buds on top.

The time is middle of Feb,2021, after a long CT winter during the painful pandemic, like psychologistes, early spring flowers are here to comfort us. In the past a few weeks, I have planted hyacinth, grape hyacinth, amaryllis, narcissus, they are flowers belong to different families with dramatically different looking, but they share a same feature, they are all bulb root plants.
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '心中之城' 的評論 : 心城也感受到了。美得讓我想到少女時期的伊裏沙白. 泰勒。
心中之城 回複 悄悄話 漂亮的鬱金香!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 嗯。我也覺得要多讀,讀完還要寫寫,這樣才能把所學的用起來,以後才會變成自己的。暖冬以前就是老師,稱呼你老師沒錯的。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魏薇' 的評論 : 不過老師可真不敢,城裏比我寫得好的大有人在。互相學習吧。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魏薇' 的評論 : 好的,just practice whenever you want to.我也好久沒有好好寫,也是覺得寫英文花時間,不如多讀點書(英文),可能兩者結合是最好的。
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '梅華書香' 的評論 : 以前就覺得鬱金香美,但直到看到這個品種後,我才知道有這種形色氣都像玫瑰的品種。謝謝,也祝梅華好!
梅華書香 回複 悄悄話 漂亮,我也特涅喜愛鬱金香花,祝健康快樂,謝謝分享了!!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : : 經暖冬鼓勵,我準備把這篇寫成英文小文,到時貼來給暖冬老師審閱:)我的詞匯量太小,寫的時候就不流暢,費時,結果就懶得寫了。不過要想進步,真還得逼著自己寫。
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 看來菲兒也誤會了。:)英文不是我寫的,是摘錄的。我這是水培的,室內種的,室外的還要過段時間。
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 哈哈。怪我沒說清楚,中文是我寫的,英文是我從那網上的那篇文中摘錄的一段,是美國人寫的。要是我,我不得美死了!暖冬不用刮目了:)

菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : +1寫得真好,中英文都好。

現在已經有鬱金香了?讓我想起有一年去little holland看花。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 我博客裏4/23/2018有一篇博文就是寫西雅圖鬱金香的,花的品種繁多,整片農田都是,裏麵有很多照片,如果魏薇感興趣的話。
這英文是你寫的嗎? 如果是,你的英文進步神速,讓我刮目相看的。