


(2025-01-05 11:57:42) 下一個


而且都是民主黨議員,難道民主意味著隨便性侵婦女殘骸兒童嗎?下麵有具體議員名單, 有幾大看點

1. 加州是大戶,52個眾議員其中29個支持性侵犯,其中包括著名的佩洛西,鉛筆頭Adam Schiff(現在勝任參議員負責法製),大黑奶Maxine Waters,華裔趙美心Judy Chu,和Ted Lieu,一多半議員支持保護性侵者,你知道後麵意味著什麽嗎?

2. 所有的反對者都是民主黨,裏麵女性議員還很多,這是保護女性的行為嗎?他們為了錢或者性出賣靈魂。

3. 加州,紐約州,伊利諾伊州,德州,弗羅裏達,馬裏蘭,麻州是大戶



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閱讀 ()評論 (23)
cwang28 回複 悄悄話 主黨一些列惡例行徑已淪落為賣國賊黨! Trump 慧眼識英雄 - 當今奇才 Elon 無私無畏協助Trump 揭開腐敗主黨麵目大快人心我!
firstuncle 回複 悄悄話 過幾天把那幾個華裔議員拉出來打,讓那些以華裔參政驕傲的人醒醒,你推舉的都是強奸犯的保護者。
chinomango 回複 悄悄話 一點不奇怪,政客不如妓女。
Faith_Joy 回複 悄悄話 回複 '清漪園' 的評論 : Elon Musk說不信的去查法庭記錄。 他已經查了。 之所以最近鬧出來是因為一個勇敢的記者把他的調查做成了記錄片讓更多人看到了。 英國執政黨一直在掩蓋。這次瞞不住了。
簡單一點好 回複 悄悄話 對罪惡的容忍就是對正義的背叛。民主黨這是善惡不分。
石頭村 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,還真有出來辯護的。不過當然一點不奇怪,那些反對的議員絕對不會有任何一個人公開承認它們的目的就是為了保護罪犯,當然有各種冠冕堂皇的理由。不過,得多弱智的才會選擇相信它們說的,而不是看實際後果?就像它們反對任何選舉公正的措施,而堅決推行各種舞弊大行其道的政策。
清漪園 回複 悄悄話 周末讀了英國穆斯林輪奸英國白人未成年少女集團的文字,觸目驚心,不知道這些是不是真的是英國政府發出的案件案情,感到人類文明已經蕩然無存,英國已經成了一個比動物世界更凶殘的國度。動物世界裏的動物為了生存而捕食而慘烈,但人類這樣野蠻凶殘為了什麽?

firstuncle 回複 悄悄話 回複 '武勝' 的評論 : 你真能狡辯,建議你作為協警數字到159位反對者。首先議案提到是非移有案底的性犯罪,優先直接驅逐沒問題吧?在美國犯罪的把雞雞割掉再驅逐,這樣你可以抗議我人權了。
武勝 回複 悄悄話 回複‘firstuncle’:“先坐牢後驅逐”,程序上就不是由ICE而應是由警方先逮捕,司法判決服刑完成後再交給ICE。突出ICE的作用無非是強調他們首先是非移,但對社會危害來說他們首先是罪犯,其次才是非移。此外其它非移犯罪是不是應該同等處理?這種執行程序和涵蓋範圍都是可討論的,所以反對法案不等於保護強奸犯。
firstuncle 回複 悄悄話 回複 'biglow' 的評論 : 紐約咋這麽多共和黨壞種啊,我做個頭像圖,轟炸外網,至少讓他們以後投票的時候不能那麽沒羞恥感
firstuncle 回複 悄悄話 回複 '武勝' 的評論 : 你能不能誠實的麵對事實啊?先坐牢後驅逐滿意了嗎?
非常歲月 回複 悄悄話 到現在還支持民主黨的非傻即壞,壞到骨頭裏了
biglow 回複 悄悄話 回複 'firstuncle' 的評論 : 查到了。是HR7909, 去年9/18投票的。5個共和黨NV:
D'Espoisito (NY), Dunn (FL), Granger (TX), Lalota (NY), Malliotakis (NY)。紐約有三個。
biglow 回複 悄悄話 回複 'firstuncle' 的評論 : 沒見公布。得知道是幾號提案,才能查到投票紀錄。我猜那個Massie應該上榜。
武勝 回複 悄悄話 回複‘firstuncle’:你的引用沒能回答“對於重罪犯,驅逐是比判刑更好的懲罰嗎?”
firstuncle 回複 悄悄話 回複 '武勝' 的評論 : 這辯解不是流氓嗎?你說驅逐性侵犯他說移民改革,自己看。

"Here we are again, debating another partisan bill that fearmongers about immigrants, instead of working together to fix the immigration system," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal during the debate of the bill. "I probably shouldn't be too surprised. Scapegoating immigrants and attempting to weaponize the crime of domestic violence is appearing to be a time-honored tradition for Republicans."

Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler described the piece of Republican legislation as an attempt to "scapegoat and fearmonger about immigrants."

"The redundancies in this bill," he said, "all but assure that no additional dangerous individuals would face immigration consequences if it were to become law."
firstuncle 回複 悄悄話 回複 'biglow' 的評論 : 那五個NV名單有嗎?
firstuncle 回複 悄悄話 回複 '武勝' 的評論 : 你自己不會查就在這瞎逼逼,你覺得潑髒水我給你資料:https://mace.house.gov/media/in-the-news/icymi-us-house-passes-rep-maces-bill-deport-undocumented-migrants-convicted-sex

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WCIV) — In a vote drawing some Democrat lawmakers, Rep. Nancy Mace's bill aimed at protecting women and girls by ensuring undocumented migrants convicted of sex offenses or domestic violence are deported or deemed inadmissible to the country passed in the U.S. House Wednesday night.

Mace (R, S.C.-01), following a passing vote of 266 to 158 of the "Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act," claimed it as a day members of the House took a stand to protect women across the nation.

"We are fed up with headlines about women losing their lives or becoming victims of assailants who trespassed into our country illegally under the Biden-Harris border crisis,"Mace said."This legislation sends a strong message: if you are an illegal who has committed acts of violence against women, you will not find sanctuary here."
Fifty-one House Democrats voted for the bill that would deport migrants in the United States unlawfully convicted of a sexual offense or conspiracy to commit such a crime. Among the Democrats who voted for the bill are Reps. Mary Peltola, Marie Gluesenkamp-Perez, Jared Moskowitz and Hillary Scholten.

Opponents of the bill, the 158 Democrats who voted against it, deemed it as demonizing toward immigrants.

"Here we are again, debating another partisan bill that fearmongers about immigrants, instead of working together to fix the immigration system," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal during the debate of the bill. "I probably shouldn't be too surprised. Scapegoating immigrants and attempting to weaponize the crime of domestic violence is appearing to be a time-honored tradition for Republicans."

Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler described the piece of Republican legislation as an attempt to "scapegoat and fearmonger about immigrants."

"The redundancies in this bill," he said, "all but assure that no additional dangerous individuals would face immigration consequences if it were to become law."

The National Institution of Justice– a research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice– funded a study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety that found the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing violent and drug crimes is less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens.

Still, to those opposing the bill, Mace claimed they "voted against deporting rapists, pedophiles and murderers of women and kids" in a statement to News 4.

Mace continued: "Passing on a bipartisan basis, they have no excuse other than sexism."

Supporters of the legislation, including Republican Rep. Tom McClintock, claimed Democrats were committing hypocrisy when discussing the "war on women" regarding abortion, but seemed they "couldn't care less about allowing into our country a flood of sexual offenders, domestic violence offenders, and child abusers."

"The Democrats say this is duplicative of existing law,” McClintock continued. “Well if that’s true, why do they oppose it?"

The bill now heads to the Democrat-controlled Senate, where its future remains uncertain.
biglow 回複 悄悄話 共和黨裏有5個NV,也不是啥好鳥。
武勝 回複 悄悄話 首先被標題嚇到了,是打錯字還是故意聳人聽聞?這種文風的特點是不敘述完整故事而采用情感衝擊。法案的內容是什麽,不引文、不給鏈接,好歹也給個名稱吧?最重要的,民主黨議員反對的理由是什麽?

fishpond1 回複 悄悄話 我真的不能理解當今民主黨人的理念。投票支持民主黨的人,難道有相同的癖好?
大號螞蟻 回複 悄悄話 看看英國的殘酷現實
文取心 回複 悄悄話 支持一叔,民主黨基本上是人渣黨。