秋影萍蹤 (熱門博主)
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(2016-12-04 08:10:23) 下一個


1904年竣工的Hungarian Parliament Building,長得像一座童話城堡,怎不讓人一見傾心

從Danube Promenade上與Buda Castle隔河相望

Szechenyi Chain Bridge

在Cafe Kor吃了第一頓晚餐,餐館不大,裏麵人很多,很幸運在角落裏還有兩個座位,餓了,不能再等了:)。路過離水邊不遠的一個超市,就進去買了點水果和牛奶,排隊交錢的時候,旁邊隊有一個中年男子主動問我是不是中國人,看他表情怪怪的,我還以為碰到了一個種族歧視者,結果是一個很友好的本地人,嚇我一跳,看來人是不可貌相滴。

St. Stephen's Basilica

St. Stephen's Basilica內部,絕對讓人awestruck,紅色大理石把整個殿堂襯托得莊重而又高雅


Shoes on the Danube memorial, Conceived by film director Can Togay, he created it on the east bank of the Danube River with sculptor Gyula Pauer to honor the people (mainly Budapest Jews) who were killed by fascist Arrow Cross militiamen in Budapest during World War II. They were ordered to take off their shoes, and were shot at the edge of the water so that their bodies fell into the river and were carried away. It represents their shoes left behind on the bank (Wikipedia).

每個鞋子都在無言地訴說著悲傷的往事, 想想他們的絕望都會讓人感到心寒

路過雄獅把守的Chain Bridge


就能到達Danube terrace,從這裏遠眺Chain Bridge和Pest

過了這個門就是Buda Castle了

The mythological Turul bird, a national symbol of modern Hungary (Wikipedia)

Monument of Prince Eugene of Savoy in front of Buda Castle

Fountain of the Fishing Children

總統府Sandor Palace前衛兵正在換崗

Matthias Church, built in Gothic and Gothic revival style

Holy Trinity Statue

Fisherman's Bastion was designed and built between 1895 and 1902, its seven towers represent the seven Magyar tribes that settled in the Carpathian Basin in 896 (Wikipedia)


King Saint Stephen's sculpture

把Hungarian Parliament Building裝進這扇窗:)

看不夠的Hungarian Parliament Building

Hungarian Parliament Building,裏麵富麗堂皇


議會大廈對麵就是Museum of Ethnography


Statue of Imre Nagy at Martyrs' square,  Nagy was the reformist Communist prime minister executed in 1958 for his role in the uprising two years earlier (Lonely Planet),早春的花朵已經開始綻放。

我們的旅館離Hungarian State Opera House不遠

感謝網友的推薦,隻花了2歐元就在歌劇院的頂層看了一場瓦格納的歌劇Parsifal, unbelievable!:) 。可見匈牙利政府對藝術的普及還是很重視滴,反正座位閑著也是閑著:)。

Interior of Hungarian State Opera House

Impressive lobby

A sphinx statue outside the Hungarian State Opera House

Dohány Street Synagogue

超級喜歡Dohany Street Synagogue的內部,典雅精美


院子裏的Imre Varga's willow sculpture,美麗而又悲傷,每片葉子上都刻著Holocaust殉難者的名字

Rumbach Street Synagogue


米其林一星的小店Bors GasztroBar離得不遠,一份三明治加湯才5歐元,非常好吃,推薦!


來到了大氣的Heroes' Square

側麵就是Hall of Art

City Park Ice Rink,  opened in 1870, is the largest and one of the oldest in Europe (Wikipedia)

Elaborately carved portal, Jaki Kapolna Chapel


Statue of Anonymus, 據說摸筆尖能給人寫作的靈感,難怪已變得這麽光亮了:)

暴走一天後,黃昏時分來到Széchenyi thermal bath泡溫泉,裏麵有很多不同溫度的水池供人選擇,我毫不猶豫地選了中間穹頂下最漂亮的那個:)

Ceiling in the lobby

出來後夜色已悄悄降臨,Vajdahunyad Castle

走到Paprika Vendeglo去吃晚餐,喜歡這個裝魚湯的餐具

Chandelier inside Four Seasons Hotel Budapest (Gresham Palace)

Soviet War Memorial

Statue of Lajos Kossuth, leader of Hungary’s 1848-49 War of Independence against Hapsburg rule,雕塑後麵隱約可見超長的黃色有軌電車。

Statue of the Independence War

Monument to the victims of the German occupation


Cafe Gerbeaud離此不遠,甜點很讚


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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
秋影萍蹤 回複 悄悄話 回複 '0084lx' 的評論 : 照片就是我們的記憶:)
0084lx 回複 悄悄話 又見美麗的布達佩斯,我也很喜歡這座城市。照片拍得都很美!
秋影萍蹤 回複 悄悄話 回複 'rue' 的評論 : 確實很讓人難忘:)
rue 回複 悄悄話 Hungarian Parliament Building的夜景真是漂亮!
秋影萍蹤 回複 悄悄話 回複 '西雅圖聽雨' 的評論 : 很高興你喜歡,謝謝!
秋影萍蹤 回複 悄悄話 回複 'coppertown' 的評論 : 謝謝欣賞!
西雅圖聽雨 回複 悄悄話 太謝謝這麽好的遊記了。
coppertown 回複 悄悄話 好看,去年此時我們也剛遊完東歐三國。謝謝分享。