落城一哥2019-07-25 10:07:35回複悄悄話
回複 'hotpepper' 的評論 : the vibration is really dependent on braking forces. Especially the vibration is felt through the driver's seat.
落城一哥2019-07-25 10:05:58回複悄悄話
回複 'oceanblue07' 的評論 : caliper possibly is the real problem!
hotpepper2019-07-25 08:38:27回複悄悄話
Check your front tires for uneven wears if the vibration is independent to braking forces. Especially if the vibration is felt through the steering wheel.
oceanblue072019-07-25 07:53:11回複悄悄話
possibly there are some problems with caliper. my car has the same problem and I was told that i need to change caliper and 1 pad.
有可能是 alignment 的問題。