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我把頭發放進Ziploc bag裏,再裝進信封,拿到郵局去寄。郵局工作人員用手捏了幾下信封,轉頭對另一個工作人員說,“挺多的人捐頭發呢!”







Donate your hair

Thinking about donating your hair to help make wigs for women who have lost their hair as a result of cancer treatment? This simple act of generosity makes a world of difference to women with cancer. It takes 8 to 15 ponytails to create 1 real-hair wig. This is why your support is so important.

Procter & Gamble Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society, launched the Pantene Beautiful Lengths campaign in 2007. Thanks to thousands of generous Canadians from coast to coast, over 70,000 ponytails have been donated and made into wigs to help women living with cancer regain their confidence and sense of self.

Pantene Beautiful Lengths accepts hair donations, then creates, ships and donates real-hair wigs to Canadian Cancer Society wig banks across Canada. There is no cost to the Society or to the individuals who receive these wigs. Please consider sending your hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths as a meaningful way to support someone on a cancer journey. 

If you’re thinking about donating your hair, here’s how it works:

Preparing your hair:

  • Hair must be a minimum 8 inches in length 
  • Hair must be clean, dry and not swept off the floor
  • Hair should not be chemically treated (bleach, colour or perm)
  • Hair must be no more than 5% gray

Making the cut:

  1. Clean, shampoo and/or condition hair, without any styling, hairspray or additional hair products.
  2. Gather hair at the nape of the neck.
  3. Create a ponytail with an elastic band. Make sure the band is tight around the hair to keep the hair together after cutting. If it comes out of the band, it won’t be included in the donation. A second hair band can be placed around the middle of the ponytail to keep the hair together.
  4. Ensure that the elastic band is just below where you want to cut your hair.
  5. Measure the length of the ponytail from the elastic band to the tips, making sure it’s at least 8 inches long. Donations shorter than 8 inches will not be used, because this is too short for making a wig. If your hair is not 8 inches, continue growing it out. There is no maximum length requirement.
  6. Cut the hair just above the elastic band so that the elastic band remains on the ponytail after cutting and keeps cut hair together. Do not wash or style the ponytail in any way after it has been cut off.
  7. Place the ponytail, kept intact with the elastic band, in a zipper-lock bag and seal tightly. Please ensure that the ponytail is completely dry before sending.
  8. Place the plastic bag with the ponytail in a padded or plastic envelope and send to:


Include your name and address if you would like to receive acknowledgement of your donation.

Turn your hair donation into a fundraising event, raising funds to help change cancer forever. We’ve made it easy for you to organize your own event.

Read more: http://www.cancer.ca/en/get-involved/support-us/donate-your-hair/?region=on#ixzz4tXzVmkzZ




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閱讀 ()評論 (15)
XQQ 回複 悄悄話 媽媽和女兒都一樣愛心滿滿
紅裙綠意 回複 悄悄話 謝謝大家,謝謝菲兒天地,亮亮媽,小C,緣緣,健康,鬆鬆,寫寫,顏顏,東東,Lucy,99,YY!女兒很高興得到各位阿姨的表揚和鼓勵,將再接再厲。
yy56 回複 悄悄話 你女兒真美,頭發美,心更美。
享受生活99 回複 悄悄話 好有愛啊!三個女孩的頭發又黑又亮!問好紅裙!
Lucy的人生 回複 悄悄話 漂亮的頭發,三個愛心滿滿的孩子!
erdong 回複 悄悄話 讚好孩子們!問好紅裙!
噢顏顏 回複 悄悄話 :)
為寫而寫 回複 悄悄話 讚女兒讚媽媽!都好有愛。
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 讚有愛心的女孩子們!
吃出健康 回複 悄悄話 小姑娘們的頭發很漂亮,孩子們超有愛心,把自己心愛的頭發捐出去,很偉大的義舉。紅裙是位好媽媽,給孩子們很大的幫助。周末快樂!
有緣有你 回複 悄悄話 裙裙是一個好媽媽!!讚女兒和她的兩個小朋友好有愛心哦!!三個小姑的性質超級好、油黑發亮的。
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 頭發很漂亮
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 女兒很有愛心。應該支持。
亮亮媽媽 回複 悄悄話 讚讚讚!三個愛心滿滿的孩子,三辮秀麗光亮的頭發。這裏媽媽的支持也很重要啊。問好紅裙
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 好漂亮的頭發,超級有愛心的女兒!