Sarah 來的時候有發燒、哮喘、呼吸困難,而且她懷孕34周。她是一位護士在兒科診所上班。最開始的發燒、肌肉酸痛、渾身無力出現在一個星期之前,現在又有哮喘和呼吸困難,所以到急診室來就診。她胸片發現有雙側肺炎,常規病毒檢查都是陰性,在這種情況下理所當然要檢測新冠病毒。
可是因為沒有近期的旅遊史,接觸的人群裏也沒有確診的新冠病人,也就是說沒有接觸史。雖然Sarah 是醫務工作者也是高風險人群,但是卻不符合州裏衛生所送檢的條件,所以隻能把她的咽拭子送往LabCorp。我以前的文章提到過,在我們這個中西部城市,商業送檢四到六天才能出結果。
據說真正很有作用的藥物隻有人民的希望,Remdesivir, 但是這個藥物的產量有限,絕大部分人都用不上了。現在的標準是如果病人小於18歲,或者是孕婦,有可能會敲加入臨床實驗,從Gilead 拿到注射劑。其他的病人已經沒有可能了。
帶娃是持久戰,dqdeer, 西北東南, xinn2005. Thanks for the support. 大家都保重。
Desperate for Covid-19 answers, U.S. doctors turn to colleagues in China
文中也提到Some patients received the malaria drug chloroquine, which President Trump has touted and which is being tested in a World Health Organization-supported clinical trial, but the Zhejiang team did not have rigorous data on its effects. They tried tocilizumab, too, a drug that has enough potential that on Monday, Genentech announced that it had received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for a clinical trial in Covid-19 patients with severe pneumonia; the rheumatoid arthritis drug, which goes by the brand name Actemra, might quell the out-of-control immune reaction that has killed many Covid-19 patients.
That experience has involved everything but the kitchen sink, though informed as much as possible by science. Several antivirals, including the HIV drugs lopinavir and ritonavir, did not accelerate recovery or reduce mortality, ICU physician Xiao Lu said. Some immune system regulators — including alpha interferon, anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibodies such as tocilizumab, and immunoglobulin — showed hints of efficacy in some critical cases.
Who should be hospitalized, the Hopkins physicians asked? Suspected cases can be isolated and observed in their homes, they were told, as doctors in overwhelmed Italy are also telling U.S. doctors. Mild and moderate cases can be treated in mobile units, away from other patients; coronavirus spread within hospitals has been disastrous in Italy. Severe and critical cases in China get hospitalized, but at a dedicated facility, to reduce spread from Covid-19 patient to hospital worker to non-Covid-19 patient.